Chapter 26

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Jax sat in the vice president spot and waited for the rest of the table to fill, once everyone was seated Clay looked at Jax

"Why the emergency church VP?" Clay asked

"Because, some information came to light that I needed to bring forward" Jax said lighting a cigarette

"What is it son?" Bobby asked

"When I was taken out last month, it wasn't an accident" Jax said

"Excuse me?" Clay asked

"Tell me why I was the only one shot at? Tell me why the shooter knew I wasn't wearing a vest?" Jax asked looking at Clay, who was stunned

"Couldn't of been an inside job Jax" Clay spoke

"Someone at this table ordered the hit. Because he knew i wasn't wearing a vest that day, overhead mine and Opies conversation that I would rather have him safe because I didn't want Haley to lose her brother" Jax asked

"Jax, why would anyone do that?" Chibs asked

"Because. It's simple look at the big picture boys, you see that scroll behind the president's chair? Written by JT himself, that I needed to complete certain things before I was allowed to take over the gavel" Jax said pointing to the scroll

"You think I did this?" Clay asked

"I don't think. I know. You don't want me in that seat, you've said it yourself" Jax said

"That's because it's bogus, that stupid shit on the wall, oh when Jax completed what I asked he gets the fucking gavel? I don't think so. Fuck JT" Clay said

"Settle down Clay, is it true?" Bobby asked

"You think all those hits against his family was the Mexicans or the Irish?" Clay laughed

"You nearly had Haley killed Clay and Abel too" Bobby yelled

"The world is a better place without them, she should of never came back. She always clouded Jaxs head" Clay yelled he looked over at everyone at the table "you want him to have this gavel you'll have to pry it from my dead hands" Clay said

"Clay dont do this man, I think you've done enough damage" Tig spoke

"Fuck the Tellers all of them glad I killed JT when I did" Clay said suddenly his head snapped back and blood pooled out of a hole between his eyes. Jax looked over and saw Bobby standing up with his gun

"I had to Jax, I'm sorry, your father wanted better for this club" Bobby said

"Jax for president!" Tig yelled and everyone hollered 

The prospects removed Clays body and drove off onto the night with it to burn and delete every trace of Clay Morrow

Jax sat down at the head of the table, a new found meaning

"First order of business. I need my VP by my side, Opie" Jax said motioning for Opie to his side

"Is everyone okay with this?" Opie asked before sitting down

"Absolutely brother, you deserve this" Bobby said

"Next order of business, Chibs get on the phone. We're done running guns" Jax said

"Thought you'd never as Prez" Chibs smiled

"I want to discuss something else, and this is a vote, I'd like to remove Clays last name on the garage" Jax said, no one had to vote they all yelled yes

"Anyone have anything to say?" Jax asked

"I'm proud of you Jackson I really am" Bobby said

"Thank you" Jax smiled

"Jax, how are we going to earn?" Tig asked

"I read somewhere that JT had a vision, to become a charitable club, not running guns or drugs. I don't want that for my future, for my families future" Jax said

"So how are we going to do that? Like hold toy drives and shit?" Happy asked

"You've got it brother. I will have Gemma, Haley and Donna organize it all. It's time to do this right. If anyone has a problem the door is right there" Jax said pointing to the door.

Not one patch stood up.

"This calls for a drink" Jax yelled as he took the gavel in his hand, looking it over once and slamming it onto the table

Jax and Opie walked into the cabin; it was late, they didn't particularly want to leave the clubhouse as late as they did but they needed to tell the women the news

Haley, Donna and Gemma sat at the table as Opie and Jax walked in

"It's done" Jax said

Haley smiled and Gemma stood up and hugged her son

"No more hits?" Gemma asked

"No more hits Ma, slots changing and were gonna need our guys help" Jax said

"Whatever it is babe, we've got it" Haley smiled

A wave of relief flew over Haley's body. No more violence, no more ATF breathing down thier necks and no more drugs.

Jax and Opie sat down and explained to the girls what happened at church earlier, never once had Clay ever sat down with an old lady and discussed plans for the future, because in Clay's world no woman was allowed to know the clubs plans

Jax sat out on the porch sewing his President patch on his kutte Gemma sitting to his right smoking a joint

"Your dad would be proud of you" Gemma said

"I know he would be, I'm sorry I didn't give you much warning about this ma" Jax said

"I knew something was up. After Haley got kidnapped and he wouldn't pitch in. Something wasn't right" Gemma said

"Not your fault Ma, I took care of it. Everyone is safe now" Jax smiled

Everything was going to fall into place. It was just going to take time for everyone to adjust to new beginnings, after only knowing the outlaw life for so many years, they would become normal citizens who were just motorcycle enthusiast's

Jax walked back into his home with his family, both Abel and Maddox were sleeping so he left Haley to put them in thier beds

"I'm proud of you babe" Haley said

"Thank you, I love you, thank you for standing by my side through all of this" Jax said

"I'm there in a heartbeat Jax, you and I were always meant to be, it's what your father wanted" Haley smiled

"Yes it is" Jax said

That night after Haley went to bed Jax and Opie sat at the kitchen table going over the future of the club and what they would like to seen happen. Things they never thought they could accomplish, were going to happen.

Haley stumbled out to the kitchen for a drink, and saw the two men hard at work over a timeline

"Cmon, Haley your part of this too" Opie said pushing the chair out between him and Jax

"It's just us three musketeers now" Haley said as both men put thier arms over her shoulders

Well folks!!! You've got one more chapter to read!!!

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