Fellow Earthlings

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I was lost in a place I've never been to before. I might as well be jumping into a pit of angry Reddit users. I was happy as hell that I could make fire out of nothing. So I made a little campfire to stay warm, because it was surprisingly cold in Otherworld. I wondered if it was safe to sleep out in the open with those fire guys around. But I really didn't have a choice. I couldn't sleep. I had so many things on my mind, where the hell I was, how is everyone else, was Caleb okay? Eventually I fell asleep. "Hey! Wake up! Are you okay?" Some brown hair girl with a crazy sword was hovering above me. "Umm, yeah, who are you?" She looked at me for a second and then called me and idiot. "I'm Lilly, and I'm saving your ass from being chewed up by the corrupted!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me into a small cave. "Ow! Let go of me!" She let go and walked over to a little cabinet and pulled out some ramen noodles. Ramen? There is ramen in Otherworld? "You're waiting for an explanation aren't you?" I nodded "Ugh, fine. Good for nothing dumbass... she said it under her breath but I heard it Loud and clear. "Well, I already told you my name, but other than that I guess, I came from Earth, and I have been here since I was twelve. I'm eighteen now by the way." She seems trustable, if not kind of bitchy. "So, I'm Amanda and I just came from Earth. I came here because some time prick kid napped me. My friends had to come save me, Emma, and Mandy, who are at my original camp. I chased some tribal jackasses into this area and then ran out of energy, so I made a camp. Then you came and got me." She was still making ramen and I questioned if she was actually listening to me. Whatever, I'll just ask for some directions and be on my way. Then we heard the wind, even though we thought the door was closed. I walked over to see what happened. "Relax you scared bitch, it was the wind." Ugh! I'm gonna teach this, this, this, BITCH some manners! "Ramen is ready!" After I eat this. Then I'll teach her manners. We sat silently for a while until she asked what my power was. I told her fire and asked hers. She looked embarrassed and said it was a secret. I begged her to tell me, but she didn't want to for some reason. So, I let it go and continued to eat my ramen. She asked if I wanted to spend the rest of the night there. I really didn't want to sleep on a pile of dirt, so I accepted. She led me up a ladder, down another cave, and into a "bedroom". It turns out, I had to sleep on a pile of dirt. "I know it's not much, but at least you're safe in here." I smiled and she smiled back. "Goodnight"


I woke up to a loud crash. Lilly screamed. I jumped out of bed and ran towards the noise. "Get away from me! Ugh! I hate corrupted!" Corrupted... she said that when we first met. I saw her, wrestling with those crazy monsters that we saw on earth. I made some flames and impaled the disgusting beast with a flaming javelin. "Nice one! We've got 17 more at the door, so keep those flames coming!" 17?! Oh god. They all burst in. Lilly pulled out her sword, it had a ominous purple glow, with an almost flame like aura. Once she slashed it, it didn't do anything for a second. Then, the monster exploded into a purple nova. Woah! Is that sword her power or what? I stopped thinking about it and put all the monsters in a ring of fire. It closed in and burnt eight of them. She slashed a few more and they all exploded. I mustered a ball of flame, and shot it at the last monster. "Nice! That's all of them!" She spoke too soon. Just before it hit the monster, it stopped. Just sitting in mid air. I tried as hard as I could but it wouldn't budge. "What are you doing?! Shoot it!" "It won't move! Like someone else is trying to move it too!" She nodded and searched the house. I continued to hold it. Then, out of no where, the corrupted just walked out of the house. "Good job my sweets. I'll take it from here." It was someone else, not Lilly, or anyone I knew. "Hey! Who are you! Show yourself!" Lilly climbed down the ladder and met up with me. "Who the hell was that?" Lilly shrugged. "I guess I'll introduce myself. Well, to you, Amanda, in your friends opposite. Hmm, what's her name...oh! Emma! I'm Emma's opposite! And to you, lilly, Im the person who tortures you with constant corrupted invasions. You see, Emma uses the souls of animals to take their shape, I take their souls, and use them to make other things, preferably corrupted. So, I'll be taking those pretty little souls of yours now!" We looked at each other, nodded, and prepared for battle.

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