~Dream Boy~

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(Newt's POV)

   (Y/N)'s eyes shut and that's when my blood raced. Does she have a concussion? Is she alright? Should I look for a pain reliever? My eyes dart back and forth as the Gladers fumble to find something to do for her.
Thomas walks over, his face white. He puts his hand on (Y/N)'s forehead, and brushes her (H/C) hair out of her face. He looks like he's trying so hard to be brave. Sometimes, I envy him. Tommy looks up to me with with a serious expression. "We....We should find Teresa. We'll take (Y/N) with us."
I nod stiffly and meet eyes with Minho, who then gets everyone together and leads us into the hallway. This place is very, uh, white. The walls, the ceiling, the floor. They're all white and extremely clean looking, like they're from some futuristic movie.
I adjust (Y/N)'s position in my arms. She must of been really freaked out earlier, and I don't blame her. She only stayed about a month in the Glade and never got used to it. It seems that everyday something crazy happens to her too. First she had to face Grievers, then she went down a crazy, nauseating slide, and saw Gally shoot Chuck, not to mention she watched her dog die in front of her. Then there was the Cranks in our room, and our recusers hanging dead from the ceiling by their necks seems to have put the cherry on top of her mourn and anxiety. So I don't think her passing out on the floor was very uncalled for.
"Let's check her dorm," Tommy says "There should be beds in there that we can rest (Y/N) on."
We stop at the door of Teresa's room. I'm about to knock, but I hesitate in shock at what I see. There's a label written in bold, black letters.
Group A, Subject A1. Teresa Agnes, The Betrayer.
Tommy moves towards the door handle and I stick my arm out to stop him.
  "Betrayer?" I ask, "Shouldn't we be at least a little bit worried about that?" And her name, Agnes? Since when did we have surnames?
Minho steps closer to me and shares a troubled look of confusion. "Yeah," He mumbles.
Thomas doesn't answer and goes in the room instead.
It looks like ours. Smaller, but very similar. I lay (Y/N) down on one of the beds and pull the silk covers over her shoulders. Her skin is freezing cold as if she'd been sleeping outside, and she's unbelievably light, but even so, I kiss her forehead and whisper "Beautiful," into her hair. I hope she wakes up soon.
"Where is she?" Minho asks, looking around.
"Teresa!!!!" Tommy yells through his cupped hands, walking back and forth across the room.
  I remain next to (Y/N). If something happens, I have to be ready to protect her at a costs. I love her. So much. She was always something more than a girl to me. I knew she was someone worth risking lives for. She's more important than she thinks.
The sound of a toilet flushing comes from the door to my left.
Tommy's ears perk up. He immediately rushes to the new found bathroom, galloping like a horse. He puts his hand on the doorknob, ready to turn it. "Teresa, we're here!" He shouts.
"Tommy," I whisper an put my hand on his shoulder, "It's not polite to barge into a girl's bathroom."
He looks at me with wide eyes and then starts laughing while he scratches the back his neck sheepishly. "Oh, right. I kinda forgot about that."
"Here", I say, "let's just wait for her to come out."
He nods and takes a seat next to me on (Y/N)'s bed. He reaches into the covers and takes her hand out, lacing his fingers with hers. Thomas squeezes her hand tightly, until his knuckles turn white and bony. His face is grim and plain. It looks like every cell in his brain is focused on her being unconscious. And it hurts me to see him like that. It really does.
"She'll be okay," I whisper, "I promise. She won't leave us so soon. (Y/N) is stronger than that."
Tommy gives me a sad smile and nods. "Yeah, you're right." He says and turns away. He doesn't say anything for a long time. The air around us isn't tense. It's almost a calm silence. (Y/N) twitches awake peacefully. She smiles and hugs me. "Newt~" She says sweetly . It almost sounds like she's singing.
Thomas grins happily. He opens his mouth to say something but before he can, the bathroom door flings open.
I smile, glad to meet my friend again. Excited to tell her of the Cranks in our room, and terrified to tell her of (Y/N)'s episode.
But when I look, Teresa isn't there. But someone is. A boy with short fawn hair and baby-blue eyes raises his eyebrows at us and walks into the room, shutting the door behind him. "Um, hi?" He says awkwardly. His eyes are so bright that it's kind of scary. They land on me. He stares and stares as if he knew who I was, then he looks at (Y/N). His face turns white.
"You!" (Y/N) accuses, pointing a finger. I can't tell if she's angry or confused, but she isn't happy at all. She knows this guy?
Thomas stands up and examines the boy, eying him up and down like a detective. "Where's Teresa? Who are you?" He furrows his brow in anger.
The new boy takes a step back and crosses his arms. "Who are you?"
"I asked you first! So tell me!" Thomas growled. Was he getting upset that this guys was staring at (Y/N)?
"Yeah, whatever. Fine, my name is Aris." He says, seeming annoyed.
My mind goes blank. Aris. That was the boy from (Y/N)'s dream. He was the one who hurt her and tried to communicate with her telepathically. I ball my hands into fists. This isn't going to end well.

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