Chapter 16

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Camila’s POV

Lauren and I had been absolutely inseparable since that night. I mean, we always were, but now it felt… different. It felt… stronger?

And I never thought that could’ve been possible - very so with my feelings towards her as well.

It still felt so surreal. Sometimes it’d even feel delusive; or at least that’s what my head told me. It was too good to be true; actually getting what you want when you’re a Cabello.

But you see, when I think like that I then start to feel selfish. Not only is Lauren - the girl of my dreams - mine, but I also have thousands of fans who care and I’m here achieving my dreams.

So maybe I should just stop over-thinking it, and instead embrace it.

Speaking of achieving my dreams and Lauren, we had gotten the hang of our dance routines for tour. What Lauren has to do with it is the fact I find it hard to breathe when I’m in the same room as her dancing like that. Knowing I’ve touched her like that… I’ve felt her most intimate parts in the most intimate ways and I wanted to do it again especially when I watched her dance. But none of us initiated it again since. We always flirted and made out and suggestively hinted towards it but never actually done it again; mostly because we really don’t have the time and a “quickie” still seemed too incompatible for a second time. (Well, technically 4th time but the first three times in the first night together still counts as the ‘first time’, right?) And partly because we didnt know how or always got interrupted.

"Fuck…" Lauren whispered as I peckered her neck with kisses and grinded my hips as I straddled her lap, "You know tomorrow’s the beginning of our tour, we need to kind of control ourselves, we won’t have anywhere to sneak to in the middle of it."

"Mm, I’m planning on not looking at you at all," I told her, kissing the corner of her jaw.

"Hey!" She pushed me back with a pout on her face.

"What?" I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "do you want me to practically devour you in front of all our fans?"

Every time we had a break from dancing, we’d sneak upstairs and attack each other with kisses but we never had the time to take it farther than a heated make out, even though we’d be dying for more.

And it was crazy Lauren felt the same way every time she watched me dance too; she’d always firmly tell me - no, demand me - not to say I can’t dance ever again. I giggled at the thought, because really, I don’t think anyone possibly could dance worse than I do. So her arousal from it just adds to the original surrealism.

She blushed cutely, “Come to think of it, I’m sure they’d like it,” Lauren said, sticking the tip of her tongue out.

I chuckled, “Yeah, tell that to management,” I said, knowing completely well that management wasn’t the only reason. Because if they were, we would have told the other girls too. We were both afraid, although we’ve never discussed it. We know Normani and Dinah wouldn’t judge us, but the whole band knowing kinda meant a discussion would form about what this could mean and how it could affect the band and yadda, yadda. I kinda thought that was all bullcrap. We’re not kids, we could work it out. But I guess we’d rather wither away from it than actually face it.

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