Chapter 6

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Today felt like a particularly good day. I don’t know what it was exactly that made me feel this much at ease. Maybe it was the weather, or the fact I was about to see Lauren. As much as I hated to show it, she still makes me happy.

Speaking of Lauren, I walked past her room, and I couldn’t help but hear a few voices.

“What did you tell her?” I soon could tell this voice was Ally’s.

“What was on my mind; that it didn’t bother me, and stuff like that.” Lauren’s voice was as clear as day to me.

Fuck. They were talking about me.

“I feel bad.” Ally said, “It’s sad, really.”

“Yeah, like, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do…” She pauses for a moment, “It’s not like I can force myself to feel something I don’t, you know?”


“Oh, I know. You’re not supposed to, and like, you shouldn’t feel bad for not feeling that way.”

“But I do.” Lauren responded.

“You do… like her?” Ally asked.

“No, no! God no, I mean like, I do feel bad about it.” Lauren said, “But I really care about her, you know, like, as a friend.”

And just like that, my day was ruined. God no? Was it really that atrocious to like someone like me?

What am I talking about, of course it is. I mean, look at me. I wouldn’t like me either.

I decided not to listen in on this little pity party for me between the two. I walked down to living room, and found Normani and Dinah chit chatting about something I was unaware of.

“Waddup in the his house?” I said as I reach in view to them. They befall into silence.

Until Normani speaks, “Dinah’s like—,”

“Normani!” Dinah shouted, “Shut up.”

Normani just laughed, and brushed it off. Silence again.

I sighed and walked to the kitchen, giving my mom a big kiss on the cheek.

“Mija, my hands are a bit busy here.” She said, as she tosses a few things around and does her cooking magic.

Great, not even my own mother has time for me.

What started as an unusually good day, ended as a let’s-just-act-like-Camila-doesn’t-exist day. Perfect.

My head turns to the sound of an angel’s footsteps – that angel being Lauren, of course. She walks hand in hand with Ally, and the pit of jealousy forms almost instantly.

She lets go of Ally’s hand, as they both come walking towards me, and I walk towards any area behind them.

Just as I walk past Ally, I abruptly trip, and fall right on my ass. Can today get any worse?

I brought my hand out for Ally to help me up, but she just stood there and laughed. Lauren was still a bit further from me, but she hadn’t realized what was going on exactly just yet.

I gave up, and got on my feet by my own, and just as I did, I could tell the realization of the event hit Lauren in that instant.

“Oh my god, awww.” She pouted, and walks towards me. She jokingly pushes me down to the floor, the exact spot I had fallen, saying, “I’ll get you up this time.”

I laughed as she teasingly pushed me down, and felt the blood flow in and out of my cheeks. I knew I must’ve been smiling like an idiot, too. She held me up, and pulled me closer. “Forget these assholes, I’ll always be here to pick you up.” She winked at me, and I almost collapse right then and there due to the weakness of my knees.

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