Chicken Feet

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I kept my crusty eyes open. It stings after a while, but i couldn't help it. I mean i could close them for a second but meh, I didn't want to miss anything. I needed to pass this incoming test. I couldn't afford to drop out. My diploma's waiting. I can already hear him calling out for me. 

I scribbled the notes down as if my life depended on that information, like fucking Flash in a flash drive. (The hell am i typing?) I mean, like fast as a fastest thing in the world. But you get what i mean right? Words were jumbled up all over the page. It kinda look like someone ate ramen and spat all over my notes. I didn't even bother to make it look neat.

I silently slipped my hand over to "borrow" a piece of paper that i'll probably never return from the dude sleeping beside me. His snores where soft and gentle. It reminded me of some cute ass pandas. Hell yeah it was cute. However the drool collected on the table surface was uh.. not as enchanting as niagara falls.

I scribbled more words on my new blank surface that i might have stolen. I squeezed my brains to absorb all the squiggly information written on the board.

All of a sudden, the classroom door opened with a slam, revealing a petite lady with awful socks. It was an okay socks to be honest, but it was yellow. So.. sorry fam

"I'm sorry Mr Stump (I'm sorry, Patrick has been haunting me with his adorableness), I didn't know i was that strong." She grinned sheepishly, showing off her green nail polish painted teeth. 

She batted her eyes towards Mr Stumpy Tumps as though she had a seizure. I mean i would too if i saw her face everyday.

"Anyways," She glanced at me. "I might need to borrow her from you."

Miss Dennings said pointing her crusty garlic bread fingers at me. (Ok, no joke. I imagined the Pokemon theme song to play in this scene)

I pretended to avoid her intense petiteness gaze, if that made sense. However, i felt the heat piercing through my fucking stomach. Boiling my insides as i hear the whispers repeating "lolly" continuously. Whatever that meant.

I stood immediately, glaring the crap out of her. Ferociously trying to heat up her insides like she did. But that was a metaphor so i might as well cry.

She grinned, licking her edible nail polish at the same time. Attractive. She stood, waiting for me to follow her to wherever she's taking me.

'Dun dun dun Jooooooosh dun.' Her shoe clacked as she walked down the dark, creepy, mysterious, totally unique corridor.


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