sprouted mushrooms is nyom

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Hold on.



I mean who in the right mind would want to marry Clara Dennings? I mean obviously not Frank. I mean sure Clara did tell me that Frank was her fiance, but i didn't know she was telling the truth! I thought she was just crazy.

There was even a time in school she called me out just now tell me about the things that she would do to Frank. I'm not a child but i know those things are a no no even for a teen for me to listen, especially during school hours?

"Aw come on Bailey. She's not that bad. She's really sweet once you know her." Frank defended pathetically.

Pfft yeah sure. Sweet. A sweet person would definitely tell a normal teenage girl whom she has only talked to twice about her dirty thoughts. Of course. That is the definition of sweet.

I crossed my arms, trying to make myself as intimidating as possible.

"I'll try to accept her."

The corner of Frank's mouth raised in a spilt second. It was kind of creepy actually.

"On one condition, make her brother fall in love with me."

I grinned, satisfied.

At that moment, i swear i saw Frank's eyes bulge the slightest bit.

He scoffed.

"Excuse me, were you even listening to what i said earlier? My job is to make you stay away from him." He whisper-screamed.

I didn't let my confident smile waver. With the sassiest sassy i had in me, i lifted my hand and flicked it in his face.

"Then watch me ruin your relationship.  I'll never make you marry Clara. "


As if on cue, a bolt of thunder was heard even during such a sunny weather.


I skipped happily to the diner that Frank had arranged for us to meet, leaving my unhappy uncle dragging his feet behind me.

Finding the cosiest sitting corner of the diner, i plopped myself onto the red leather seats. I didn't wait for Frank to sit with me since he was too busy sulking over the fact that he had to follow my rules.

I took out my phone, happily scrolling though Pinterest and pinning all band related posts. At the same time, i applied a little (a lot) of roll on perfume onto my wrist for a little woosh.

While scrolling through pictures and pictures of good looking band members, i realised that Frank was still not in the diner with me. Not that i cared but he was taking too long.

I suggested to leave the house 30 minutes earlier so that we could enjoy the cool air circulating from the air conditioning in the diner. But of course, Frank had to maintain his little piece of ego that he had in him to stay outside of the diner rather than to sit with me.

I continued to enjoy looking at more pictures of cool bassists when i heard a squeaky swoosh sound of the leather seats.

I looked up expecting to see Frank's sleep derived face, but sitting directly opposite me was Clara's little brother. The most hottest non emo but emo kid i know that could make my heart beat as fast as a hummingbird could flap its wings in a second. That was really fast if you didn't know.

His almost gingery blond hair covered parts of his face as he scrolled through his phone. His tiny nose seemed so adorable and squishy. My eyes roamed to his cheeks which showed the soft little dents of his cheekbones. He looked like Patrick Stump, but not. Because Patrick's unbeatable in his looks.

Suddenly he said without looking up.

"I know you're looking at me. Could you please stop?"

Oh that deep voice. Gives me shivers.

"I like gingers. I m-mean, not t-the h-hair. I m-mean, herb." I replied not so confidently.

He nodded carelessly.


We ate our food in the most uncomfortable silence. Dylan ordered a double cheesebuger with cheese fries as the side. He would then get a small tub of nacho cheese and pour it all over the beef patty.

Clara and Frank on the other hand were eating some salad and pretending to be healthy. I swear i saw Clara gagged when she first took a bite from the apple salad.


There were some occassional conversations between Frank and Clara about their wedding plans. From the way i see it, Dylan wasn't too keen to have Frank as his uncle.

However, there wasn't any spoken interaction between me and that curled up ginger hair geek.

I was heartbroken.

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