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Hate. One word. 2 vowels. 2 constant. One meaning. And a feeling that's stuck on me. Him. That's all I can think about. How could he?? After all we have been through, he justs decides to leave us like as if we are some type of garbage being thrown away. How could my mum leave me alone. Why couldn't they stay with me. What did I do to deserve this. Why did story books have to start with 'Once Upon A Time' or end with 'Happily Ever After' I just don't get it. Why can't I have that. Don't I deserve it at least, for all the things that has happened to me. While everyone out there has someone to talk to OR care even someone who cares about them but I DON'T. I have no shoulder to lean on. All my life, I had tried to be nice and kind in every way but the one thing that I don't get, is why do I deserve such pain?

Why couldn't I be like any other normal girl going to school, having friends or even a family to support her in.

Here I am with no father or mother. They're both gone and I practically have no one. NO ONE . I mean I can't blame anyone, anymore. If only I didn't call them and asked them to come home early that night. The thing that hurts me the most is that I couldn't do a damn thing to save them.

2 years ago

I had just come back from University to find my parents not yet back home. I had already texted them,telling them to come home as soon as possible. I  was sure dad had already gone to pick up mum from work and they were now,heading back home.

Twenty minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. It couldn't be my parents because they already had the key. So I slowly grabbed a pan incase it was a robber or kidnapper. I mean you should always be careful. The closer I came towards the door, the louder I heard the weird voices on the other side of the door. I opened the door only to reveal people I never see around my house.

In front of me were two police officers. I couldn't think about what they would actually tell me. It can't be. Please don't let it be.

“Good evening dear. I have news to inform you.” The first officer who seemed younger than the other one said. I just nodded not trusting my voice.

“ I don't know how to say this ma'am but your parents have gotten into an accident. They have been taken to the Malveis Hospital. I'd like you to come with us so that we could take you to them. I'm sorry but their condition seems to be critical and we need to get ther-” I could let him finish, because I was already on the floor crying. How could this happen? I was just at home waiting to see them. My lips couldn't stop trembling. My heart beating so fast. My body shaking. So I asked them one thing

“ Please tak-take me t-to the-them.” I said still shaking.

They quickly nodded and I came out of the house running without bothering to take a coat and I was still in my pajamas. My brain stopped. I couldn't think anymore. The most important 2 people in my life, might leave me. And I just couldn't help but cry for my parents.

Please God, if you can hear me. Don't take my parents away from me. I can't lose them. I just can't. I love them so much and I don't know what I'd do without them.

After some minutes we had arrived and I didn't bother waiting for the police officers, I quickly rushed into the hospital looking for my parents.

“ Excuse me, bu-but where are the two man and woman who were brought in he-here right no-now? ” I asked the lady.

“ Sorry but Mr and Mrs Snow are still in the emergency rooms. They are still in critical condition. ” she said with pity eyes.

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