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Waking up to a throbbing massive headache , I could hear whispers. People talking in hushed tones as if, if they spoke any louder I could wake up. But they didn't know is that I'm already awake. So I closed my eyes acting like I'm still asleep, I didn't want them to know that I'm awake.

"We shouldn't have done that! It is so wrong man! " Someone spoke so quietly.

"I know, but we had to okay this might be our only chance for my mother and grandmother will stop disturbing me! " A husky voice spoke and I could feel my eyes restraining from opening and seeing the man with this beautiful voice.

"You shouldn't have done what you did then in the café, because now she might refuse to agree with you."

What what! Café! Oh No No No No No!
It can't be them, are they trying to ruin my life even more.

"Well she will accept it, if she wants to or not!" The husky voice spoke again. I know his voice is amazing but he is not going to control me.

I quickly opened my eyes only to see the two people I didn't expect to see.

Mr cranky pants and Mr sandy brown hair standing in front of me, and directly looking at me.

Oh shit!

Just looking at them got me scared but Mr sandy brown hair had a small smile plastered on his face while looking at me while the other one, not so much he just stared at me with a blank expression.

I tried moving from the chair I was on but it was so hard, looking down I saw that they had tied me with fricking ropes. I kept on wiggling my body, so that I could loosen up the ropes. Looking around I saw that I wasn't in a shaggy place, I was rather in a beautiful room with a king size bed and a huge closet with another door attached to it. Probably the washroom.

I turned my attention back to them and I could see that they were in their suits.

Yummy creatures

I sat straight looking at them.

"Could you please get me out of this stupid chair and maybe UNTIE ME!" I shouted at them.

"Sorry no can do princess." Mr cranky pants said.

"I promise I won't run, I'll just sit I won't even move." I said trying to lie to them as best as I could.

They stopped and seem to think about it. But then replied with a 'No'

"Please please please! I need to use the bathroom or I'll pee on the chair!" I threatened them.

"Go ahead." Mr Sandy brown hair said, slightly laughing at me.

"You know what maybe I will, and I'll also scream rape," I said and but they didn't looked scared at that at all. Then an idea came up. I smiled and them patted my stomach, pushing it out and making it look like it had a small bump. "I'm pregnant and you should know to never test a pregnant woman's temper, you have to let me pee right now or something bad will happen. " I told them lieing obviously but with how I said it, it probably looked like as if I didn't lie to them.

They looked horrified and Mr sandy brown hair reached out to me and began to untie the ropes. I was smiling deep inside knowing that I just tricked them.

The moment I was not stuck in the chair anymore, I jumped off the chair running towards the door but before blowing a kiss to them and leaving them staring at each like dumb people.

"Catch me if you can Tom and Tommy!" I laughed.

I came up to a stairs and ran down it Until I reached close to the main door.

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