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Midoriya p.o.v
Lately I've been feeling a tingling feelings in me, so I decided to jerk off in the males bathroom. As I pick a stall, I check if anyone would be in the bathroom right now. Why I check? It's because I don't want to get caught, but people wouldn't look in stalls anyways I mean that will be weird. I pull my pants off and sit onto the toilet seat, I hold my member and begin to stroke it. *Bam* the wall to the next stall shook and I look up, the color drained from my face. My worst night mare has happen! The figure jump down into my stall and smirk "what do I see here?" Doing his sign pose, putting his hands in his pockets and one leg behind the other leg, leaning in. "It sure is a great surprised~" he whisper into my ear. I've gone completely pale, with a squeak of my voice I reply "p...please don't tell anyone.." he hum and said "I don't know about that choice~" i gulp, "I..I would do anything..please don't tell anyone i beg you." I didn't know what I have get myself into. Kacchan smile, quietly he whisper into my ear "anything? hmm~ continued what you were doing" "eh?" "continued touching yourself" I just stare at him dumbfounded. "If you don't want me to tell, touch yourself in front me" I nervously touch myself and stroke my member slowly. My eyes start to tears. Then I saw a hand on mine, I look up and get a surprised kissed. He explore my mouth, our tongue dancing together, slowly we parted our lips leaving a transparent line connecting our tongues. Kacchan slowly stroke my member and put his thumb on my tip pressing it down and move it back and forth. I was breathless. I tried to speak "" is the word that came out. "But you're still hard~" he pulled my shirt up and start to suck my nipples. "Ha~ mmn khu..ahn" I moan loudly, I quickly cover my mouth. Kacchan have a smirk on his face "so that's your sensitive place~" he bite my nipples and slowly swirl his tongue around it. I covered my mouth to not let my moans out. The day ended.
Thanks for reading~! And I decide to make another katsuki x deku because of matlalcoatl thanks for suggesting this idea.

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