Gentle touch

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Kacchan has been acting weird lately. He doesn't tell me to do orders anymore, has he been dealing with some stuff. After all those outcomes of us being caught I guess he does get embarrassed by it. What is more weird, kacchan has been treating me nicer. Is he trying to do something to me? What if he try to make me think that he's nice and eat me all up!? No no that's impossible, or that can be possible!? As I start to mumble, suddenly I felt a hand on top of my head, i look back it was kacchan. I put my hand on top of his. Slowly his hand travel down with my hand to my neck, kacchan is back hugging me. It felt so nice and warm like a teddy bear. When he let go the warmness faded away but his touch still lingers. That kind of touch is something I've never felt before. I look at him with questioning eyes and he just smile. A gentle smile with a gentle touch of his still lingers. My heart start to race and it felt like throwing up, I felt like everything burns but also a tingling feelings inside. My heart is starting to race more! What is happening!? Did I encounter a heart disease!? It's not stoping and on top of that it's like burning my whole body. A hand grasp my waist from behind and put his chin on top of my head. "What are you panicking about?" He stared at me and said "perhaps you don't like this?" I shake my head. Quietly I reply "I..I like it very much" going quieter on the much part. He hold me from behind and I can hear a little giggle of his. But it's weird I did not hear it on top of me more like to the s-
I saw Uraraka smiling and giggling with Tsuyu with cameras. I gasp and they quickly run away, I would try to run after them but I was still hug tightly and I like the warmness. I never want to let go.

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