I have became his dog

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"Deku go buy me a melon bread" katsuki order. I quickly go to the cafeteria. These days I've been acting like his dog, which is the only way to keep my secret a secret between me and kacchan. Sometimes the request of his is weird like eating the bread from his mouth or when he drop something onto his pants I have to lick it off. "Deku follow me" he orderly commend. I know where this is going. We will go into a room where students and staff don't go to. When we enter the room a sudden force made me fall, being straddle under kacchan while he sit onto my back. He hold my wrist down and lightly breath on my neck then my ear. Slowly he will trace his tongue alongside my ear and bite it after he's done with tracing my ear. He trace his tongue down onto my neck and then spine leaving light kisses. *Click* the sound of a camera went off. I look to the side and saw a frog like figure sitting in hidden staring at us with a camera in hand. I couldn't tell who it really was. When she know that I notice her she start to speak "oh katsuki what are you doing here with deku? Are you guys perhaps playing horsey?" She came out of the hidden spot "Uwah! Tsuyu! What are you doing here!?" I panicked. "Perhaps I can ask you guys the same thing, but I guess you guys are playing horsey you guys can stay here, then I will be leaving." I paled out of life. "Neh.... kacchan didn't you said no one will ever come here" lifelessly I ask. I was so freaked out by how she saw us and on top of that she took a picture!!

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