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I couldn't look at Tsuyu. If I did the memory would pop up and make me embarrassed. Also there was this one time I overheard a conversation between her and uraraka, cue the flashback. "I can't believe that they've discover me but I still got a picture."
"That's good! I love their romance"
"Maybe the ship already sailed!"
"I hope so, I'm going to take some good photos of them!"
"Yeah let's do that teammate!"
"Get photos of them! For our dream! For BL!"
"Yosho! Let's do this!"
The end of flashback. I don't really understand what they talk about "dream" and "BL" I'm so confused by it. "Deku, hurry up!" "Ah..y.yes!" I followed him, as we were walking it seems that he's taking me home. "K...kacchan don't tell me we're going to do it in my house!?" I saw his smirk and look at me in the eyes, he replied "of course we are, isn't it more exciting to do it when you know there's people there but couldn't see you. Holding in your moans and your plead~." Whispering the last part of the sentence. I withdraw but kacchan grab my hand and knock on our door. My mom opens and welcome us. "We will be in" I quietly spoke to my mom hesitantly. Entering my room, I felt a light kiss on my neck. I tried to turn my body but it got hold on. Kacchan slowly kiss it softly, swirling his tongue on my neck and kiss it once again then bite me. Sudden surprise I start to struggle and I got push down while kacchan still intact with my neck. Kacchan held my hands behind my back and French kiss my neck. I begin to moan at the sharp pain of his bite. Rising up his body, moving his head towards me he whisper "don't be to loud or your mom would find out~" he released my arms. I gasp as I felt a tug on my pants, I look back and saw kacchan fingers entering me. I slightly moan at the cold fingertips. "Ka..kacchan it's cold" "warm me up then". Putting one more finger in. "I'm going to explore all of you~" licking his lips then he pulled up my shirt and start to nibble my nipples and swirl his tongue in a circling motion. I bite my lips shut to not let these moans out. "Ah!" I gasp and quickly bite my mouth again. "Izuku... I know that you're in some business...right now but... could at..least close the door?" My face brighten up in red like a tomato, quickly I slam the door. This is the end. My world is ending. Not even my classmate saw us even my own mom saw us, what kind of misfortune is this!!

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