Lost of trust

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"Jasper,give me a fork!"I asked him. We were currently cooking dinner together like I always dreamt of. Well,still bickering;we were like an old couple.

" Hey,who was the guy you were talking to yesterday? " Jasper ask nervously while scratching the back of his neck which he usually did when he was really uncomfortable. "He is my boss!"I replied casually ignoring his doubtful eyes staring at me.

"You seem pretty comfortable around him and also very cheerful," he continued. Exasperated, I retaliated "What do you want to say?" He gazed at the fork in his hand choosing not to reply. However, he has started and I won't forget that easily." Do you think I like him?"I accused him of. " I never said that but you were blushing furiously when you are talking to him. You blush like that only when you are with me,"he said silently. "You know what? I'm done with you and your pathetic accusations! " I walked to my room.

"Don't run away from your problems like you used to. Don't you see the way he looked at you like you're his prey. Oh and I'm sure he must have complimented your body that you were blushing like mad while talking to you." By that time my eyes were blurred with unshed tears. My Jasper would have never accused me of something like that. In fact he would not even dare to think of something like this. "You do remember that I once told you that a powerful relationship is based on trust. And clearly you don't trust me anymore!"I choked while trying to control my cries. "I'm sorry! I didn't meant it like that!"he tried to pity with me. "Clearly!" I scoffed.

He practically shoved me into his arm and wiped my tear. His thumbs traced my tears and he kissed my lips. I tried my best to resist and didn't kiss back. He bit my lower lip and I gave up. Damn him and his freaking kissable lips! He could feel him smirk and I frowned at his victory. He carried me in a bridal style to our room and he stared at my features on my face. I could feel myself getting arouse due to the heavy atmosphere. We both leant forward and our lips were touching each other. "I'm sorry! I didn't meant it like that!" I just nodded feeling that I won't be able to rely on my voice as it may cracked.

"Look Jasper,you need to accept the fact that we are no more teenagers. I'm a married woman and I won't let anyone flirt with me knowing that I already have my man. Please try to understand because I don't want to end up quitting this job because of your childish jealousy. You have to trust me okay!" I placed my hand on his to reassure him that everything would be fine. I smiled a genuine one and mouthed a little sorry and have me a peck .

Abruptly, he step backwards and I was surprised at his sudden movement. Confused,i looked at him searching for an answer. But Jasper being Jasper didn't bother to give one. I shook my head in despair and arched my eyebrows with a what the hell expression.Jasper his quirky self,started sniffing the air like a dog with a suspicious glint in his eyes.

"Can you smell burning?" I sniffed and my eyes widen in horror and shock. "Oh crap!I've left the stove on!"I screamed already ready to jump into the kitchen. We both took to our heels and tried to extinguish the small break out. After some minutes,we smiled victoriously but we were tired as hell. We both plodded on the big couch and he lift his eyebrows and stated more than asking,"Pizza!" I nodded sheepishly and he took his phone to order one big large pizza.

We were playing video games like teenagers and as usual he was leading the game. So I used my tactics and kissed his cheeks. He groaned i n annoyance and shoved me away. "Do not disturb me. I know your motives, you cunning brat." I shrugged innocently and continued teasing him. I knew he couldn't resist me and he jumped on me ,kissing my collarbones and mouth. He removed his shirt and I shook my head ,trying to tell him that I was tired. "You ask for it ,milady!"he answered huskily with a strong British accent. Hearing these words I was definitely arouse. Just at that exact moment ,the door knocked and Jasper groaned in annoyance. I was a little bit disappointed but pretend to be ecstatic about it. "Your acting skills are poor,my star girl! I'll be right back.

We went on the couch ,cuddling while eating pizza and watching a comedy romance movie. Yup the badboy is in love with comedy romance. We were placing sweet kisses on each other faces but that little left me annoyed. I could say that that he didn't completely trust me and that really did hurt. He always trust me before marriage no matter what. I always believe that a relationship without trust doesn't last long. But I really hope that he start trust me again so our bong become stronger and stronger.

By now he was already asleep on the couch. His face was so cute with his mouth slightly agape. Some of his blonde hair felt on his face and I brushed them away to admire this beauty. He seemed so peaceful and no angry ceases on his frown. I played with his hair and I felt him smile in his sleep. "I sincerely hope that you'll never doubt me again !" I let out a sigh and I placed my head on his sculpted chest. "I'll never!"he replied and embracing me into a tight hug.

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