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Jane POV

      It's already been two years since all theses dramas happened but it seems like it just happened yesterday. Everything was perfect in my life and so Nishita. Talking about her,she was married last year to Luke and the latter is completely whipped. She is two months pregnant.We are still closed despite the distances. We talk on almost most social networks and Luke often pays us tickets to visit them in Paris or they come to California each year. Proof that he is still head over heels for him.

        “Jane,come and help me with the diapers!"Jasper,exasperated screamed. Yes,I have one child and we are happy. I do still remember that  Jasper and in were scared to have one but I think we are doing our roles pretty well. His name is Jassen. “Janeee!!!" Oof! This Jasper will drive me mad one day. “Coming!!"

         I helped him with the diapers and it was not the first time. I've showed him doing so for a couple of times but Jasper being Jasper can't do it. Apart from that,he do his task properly but I guess he's pampering Jassen too much and will make him become like him. I don't want my baby boy to become a bad boy one day.

         “Put him to sleep while I'm going to do the laundry!"I said.  I went downstairs and spaced out again. Oops! I forgot to tell. We've built a small cozy house for the three of us. Jassen is all like his dad. He's got the looks and is boisterous like him. I do hope that he didn't inherit his dad limited stock of intelligence.

           Once I finished,I headed towards the bedroom after turning off the lights. “You want to do it!"Jasper asked. I nodded excitedly as I missed him like hell these days. We were about to kiss when Jassen started to cry. “Perfect timing exactly like his aunt Nishita!" Jasper said annoyed while I was amused.

              These days everything seemed appealing to me. I just hope that it stays the same and no Jennifer or anyone else interferes in between us. Speaking of Jenifer, Jasper forgave her and she also forgave Jasper even though Jasper did not do anything wrong. They are not on friendly terms but at least speaking and they no more keep grudges against each other.

                One thing that has not changed is Jasper's flirting habit. However,I do not blame him because every lady pounce on him like hungry animals. Even teen girls. I guess he still have his good looks whereas I do appear to be in my thirties.

             Today,Nishita and Luke is coming  to California and they have a small beach house here. I'm really excited to see them because I've not met them for about four months. Next year,it'll be our turn to go there as baby Jassen will be old enough to travel.

             “Nishitaaa! "I launched at her and gave her a crashing hug. “Easy there tiger! She's a pregnant woman!" Luke joked but I knew he was a bit serious about that. I smiled sheepishly at both of them and lunged at Luke. “Long time ,no see!" I quoted the sentence.

             During the past years,my relation with Luke grew and he happened to me one of my imaginary elder brother. I bet you won't believe but he never made Nishita cried up till now. And never means never! In fact Luke had cried when Nishita's fell from the stairs and hurt her legs. He love her so much that it is impossible to break these two. Not that I've tried.

            With baby Jassen on the baby carrier and Jasper pushing it. My right hand was interlocked with Jasper whereas my right hand was intertwined with Nishita. Luke had his hand on her waist. Everything felt in the right place and absolutely perfect.

___________________The end                                               
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