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Luke POV

         “Luke,man up and ask Nishita to go for a date!" I whispered to myself. I know that I have to make special effort to win her heart. Not only my looks will go for her and I like it,she's different.

           “Wanna hang out today?"I texted her. I glanced frantically at my phone waiting for a reply which I received about one minute later. “Oops sorry buddy but I have things to do in my schedule! "

          She buddy zoned me!! A frown appeared on my face but Luke never give up!“Uhh,so maybe tomorrow! "I texted her again crossing finger for a positive answer.      “Yeah sure!" A goofy smile appeared on my face when I saw her answer.

          Man I am whipped! I thought about how she can affect my feelings and right now my body was rocking with adrenaline.

            God but where shall I take her?? I made up my mind to phone Jane to ask her about her likes and dislikes.
            Phone call between Jane and Luke

  “Jane are you busy right now?"I asked biting my lower lip anxiously. “No ,what's up?"Jane asked casually having no idea about why I phoned. “I wanted to know where I could take Nitishitaonadate?" I asked the final part so quickly that I doubt she has understand. “Really!!Yay!"I heard her scream with joy.

       I heard a distant sound of another scream at the same time and I knew that voice by heart. It was Nitishita. As soon as I heard her voice, my heart started bumping against my chest.

        “Jane,Luke ask me if I wanted to hang out with him! Can you believe that?"I heard Nishita voice on the background and I bet she was jumping excitedly like a kid who received a new toy. I never knew she had such a girly side and a small crept on my face.

        “Shhh! I'm talking to him on the phone!"Jane tried to gesture to her in a faint voice which I heard anyway. “What? My knight in shining armour!" Nishita exclaimed with a mixture of horror and surprise. “Oh shit!" I heard her curse and some other incoherent words.

       I chuckled at the name she have given to me but recompose myself. “So you heard that," Jane exasperated questioned more like stated. I nodded but then realised that she could not see me so I mumbled a quick yes. “Uh! Anyways I'm going to talk to you later!"I replied hastily and cut the call not giving her time to reply. Well that was rude! I smacked myself in the head and tried to think about tomorrow.

       I went to the park to take some fresh air and I was loitering peacefully there. Suddenly something caught my eyes. Jasper was there with a woman and they were talking more like discussing about something.

       However I was so far that I could hear anything but I could tell they were both agitated and Jasper was fuming red. I hid behind a bush trying to understand what they were talking but in vain.

         Then I saw a cute little girl running towards them with a ponytail. Adorable was understanding and she was smiling showing her white teeth and pointed out a small dimple on her left cheek.

         She grabbed the feet of the lady and they abruptly stop quarrelling but they both showed a small smile. But I could tell Jasper had a forced smile and ruffled the hair of the small girl and took a retreating step back. He turned away and left swiftly leaving both the kid and lady which I guess was her mother,alone.

          The woman looked at the direction Jasper went and shook her head in defeat. She was beautiful with straight blonde hair and she seemed innocent and vulnerable. I itched to go to talk to her but then realised that I shouldn't interfere in his matter.

         But Jane is my friend and I need to find out what is going on. I can tell that Jasper isn't really a fan of me and if he knew that I saw him,,he'll hate me.  However I must tell someone about that.

          I decided to head back home as it was already dawn. My mind was really disturbed and perplexed. Thousand of questions raced my mind. Who is that lady? Is Jasper cheating on Jane? I cleared my thoughts and decided to think about my upcoming days.

         One thought of her made me forget all my worries and tension. She's magical and is a remedy for me but I don't know if she will still accept me with my horrid pat.

       I tried to ignore the feeling of losing her but I know she's going to leave me as everyone did. Exhausted, I reached home and went straight to bed thinking about how tomorrow is going to be.

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