Me cupid?

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      “Mrs Jane ,there is someone for you in the reception!" Michael, the receptionist said to me. “ Okay,I'm coming!" I left my work and made my way trying hard to guess who it is.

        Well, I knew it was Nishita. “Hey,i was bored ,wanna hang out?" I glanced at my files and they were almost finished. “Sure!"I replied excitedly. “But where is Jasper?" She shrugged and said casually “He has some task to finish and said that he'll join us later."

       It was weird as Jasper didn't tell me about his so called task. I ignored it but reminded myself to ask him later. “What happened?"Nishita said sensing my mood off. Why she can read me so easy. I covered it with a forced smile and dragged her out.

       “Ouch! Look where you're walking!"Nishita snapped at Luke who just collided against her. “ I'm sorry!"Luke exclaimed petrified but as they locked eyes with each other,a death silence fell. I swear I could see a pint of redness in Luke's face. Guess I need to play cupid.

          I snapped my fingers in front of them and they both jumped,recovered from their initial shock. “Nishita this Luke, my boss and this is Nitisha ,my dearest friend," I tried to say it casually but failed due to the thick silence. None of them were speaking. What the actual hell!
           I nudged Nishita by the shoulder and looked at me sheepishly. “Luke,do want to hang out with us?" I asked suddenly breaking the awkward atmosphere. “Thank you,but I need to do some work!"he denied the proposal almost hesitantly. I could sense that he was itching to come with us. “Pleaseeee!"I begged with a cute pout on my lips and sent him my best puppy eyes.

      “Fine I give up!"he winked at me and took at glance at Nishita. Something fishy!“Cool!" I dragged the word while Nishita stayed silent which was very absurd. And she was blushing. FREAKING blushing.

         After a thirty minutes drive we reached our destination. The drive was boring. However, Nishita and Luke became pretty close. I ship them soo much. They were so cute together!

         We went to shopping and Luke was trying to help Nishita to choose a pair of jeans. In the meanwhile I was feeling uneasy thinking about where Jasper went and he didn't even say anything. Neither a phone call or a message.

          Finally she bought a ripped jeans instead of a baggy ones. Moreover,she was really happy and was laughing uncontrollably about some jokes which Luke was cracking. I knew Luke was perfect for her but I would so hurt him if he makes her cries.

          And just at that moment,Nishita burst out of laughter and tears were streaming down her face.....  Tears due to laughter of course. How ironic!

          Suddenly my phone beeped and relief washed through my body as I saw Jasper name. “Hey star girl where are you?" He said that he was coming to join us and I was overwhelmed. I don't know why but I felt like he was doing a wrong thing.

          We ordered lunch which was pizza and waited for Jasper. Those two were behaving like a couple. It was a hilarious situation when the waiter came and started flirting with Nishita. You could practically see Luke fuming red with anger and jealousy.

           “What do you want order,babe?" Luke said grinding his teeth together. The waiter backed out defensively while Nishita's cheek was scarlet. I hold a chuckled and as soon as the waiter  went out of view I burst out of laughing.

         Suddenly I felt a sloppy kiss on my neck and it was none other than Jasper in all his glory. However I could sense he was trying to hide something  from me. I didn't questioned him and let it be.

         As soon as he acknowledged the presence of Luke ,he became tensed and his hands were curled into a fists. I glared at him and gestured to Nishita and Luke ,his eyes twinkled with happiness and understanding.

     Those two love struck had not even noticed that Jasper was here and I cleared my throat. Luke snorted in annoyance while Nishita was red crimson. She never blush and I mean never!

      Jasper sat down and after the introductions we started to eat. “Jane said a lot of good things about you!"Luke said to Jasper. “I know I'm too good!"Jasper bragged. As if he was not already cocky.

      “She also said you are very good in bed,"  Luke smirked victoriously while we were in a deep shade of red. Drying to divert the attention from this embarrassing situation Jasper exclaimed,“So it's a double date!" It was now their turn to blush and I was laughing my ass off seeing the obvious discomfort of Nishita.

       “No,it's not a double date!" Nishita whimpered silently and hissed at Jasper angrily. “Guess you have to do more efforts buddy,she's not easy at all."I warned Luke who had a frown but forced a smile. I could tell he was disappointed.

       Too much blushing for the day!


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