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I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs and smile. I change my clothes and walk to the kitchen to see Dale burning some bacon.

"Shit." He whispers. "Good job." I laugh. "Sorry you weren't supposed to see this." He says trying to cover the pan of bacon with his body.

"Too late." I laugh. "So, how are you holding up this morning?" Dale asks handing me a plate of food.

"I'm past the sad stage. Now I'm raging with fury, watch out." I wink. "Great. I thought the sarcasm was bad enough, now I'm to the anger stage." Dale sighs eating some bacon.

"I wanna know the truth, Dale." "I understand. I wish I could get it out for you." "Me too." "By the way Jo, I'm sorry to tell you this, but Katie and Chase know about this.." "They what?!"

"I'm sorry, shit just came out and I couldn't stop talking about what Brad did! I'm sorry!" "Great. They're probably going to come over and freak out."

Right after I say that, the front door opens, and Katie, followed by Chase, come running at me.

"I'm going to kill him." Chase says, grabbing Dale's rifle he hangs on the door frame. "No you aren't Chase." I say and take the gun out of his hands.

"Yes I am. He fucking deserves to get hurt. I'm done, he's crossed the line." Chase says angrily. "That mother fucker can't hurt my best friend without getting away with it." Katie says through a clenched jaw.

"Guys, calm down." I sigh. "Keep telling them that, it's going in one ear and out the other." Dale says. "Probably."

"He is a piece of shit Jo." Chase sighs. "He sure is. You can do better." Katie says, agreeing with Chase.

Truth is, he is my better.

"Guys, I need to go do something. I will be back." I say and go outside and grab my phone.

"Come on Jo. Grow a pair and call him." I say to myself, my finger hovering over Brads name.

I click call and hear the ring. "Hi." His voice says, so cold hearted. "Would you be willing to talk?" I ask, hoping he will say yes and this nightmare can be over.

"Talk about what? What you did?" "What I did? I didn't do shit Brad!" "Okay, okay. Yeah, I guess we can talk." "Good. I will be there soon." "Bye." He says and ends the call.

At least I made some progress.

I walk back inside, seeing Katie and Chase fighting.

"No Katie, I have to do something to him. He can't just keep doing this shit!" "Chase, you can't just go over there like a madman."

"Watch me." Chase says turning around, seeing me standing behind him with my arms crossed.

"Chase, stop." I protest. "I don't understand why you are standing up for him Jo!" Chase yells. "Because, I still love him." I say quietly.

Seeing everyone's reaction, makes me feel like a bad person for still loving him, but I can't give him up that easy.

A little while later, Katie and Chase leave, leaving me and Dale in the kitchen.

"Dale, I am going to Brad's house so we can talk, can I please borrow a vehicle?"

"Sure Jo." Dale says and hands me keys to his truck. "Thank you." "You're welcome. Be safe, if he does anything, call me."

"I will do that. Bye Dale." "See ya."

I go out to the truck and put the keys in the ignition, and head towards Brad's house.

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