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CHASE's POV continued

I pull into O'Kings and see Ryan pulling in at the same time.

I'm glad someone wants to help me.

She doesn't sound like she wants to leave, I know this won't be easy.

"Hey man." Ryan sighs getting out of his truck. "Hey." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"This isn't gonna be fun." Ryan says. "No it ain't. But I called you because I thought you would know what to do since you have known her longer than I have."

"I bet she is in there playing pool. Guys beside her trying to get her." Ryan says. "Hell no." I say and walk faster inside with Ryan trailing behind me.

I look over and find the pool table. A tipsy blonde dominating the game.

"I bet your sweet ass will get this one." A man says and rubs Katie's back.

Nope. Not today son.

"Do that again and I swear to God I will punch you." I growl and push the guy away from Katie.

"Chase!" Katie gasps. "Who are you? Her boyfriend?" The guy scoffs.

"Yes, I am. Touch her again and I swear-" "Chase, calm down." Ryan says and pulls me away.

"You're think you're tough because you think you look like Chase Elliott?" Another guy scoffs.

"For your information, I am Chase Elliott." I grimace. The guy shuts up and I turn my attention back to Katie.

"Katie, we need to get home." I say and grab her hand. "No! I won't go back there till you get your bitch sister to apologize! I was just trying to look out for her like a best friend would! You have to admit she is moving too fast!"

"Katie, please don't call her a bitch. She is my sister, please respect that. I think it would be best for you two to settle it together." I suggest.

"Chase, I don't want to talk to her." "Katie! Don't be so stubborn! Let's please go back!" I say and she rips her hand out of mine.

"No." she says and downs a beer.

I look at Ryan for help and he nods.

"Katie. I think it would be best if we all went back to talk this through." Ryan says in a calming voice.

"Only if you will be there too." Katie says. "Okay, I will be. Let's get out of here." Ryan smiles and she gets up out of the chair.

We all go outside and she decides to ride with Ryan.

It was a long ride home, and a quiet one at that.

Compared to the explosive day we are about to have.


"We will be back tomorrow. Bye sweetie. Love you!" Mom smiles and leaves with dad.

I sigh and sink down in the couch.

I have a sick feeling and I don't know why.

A few minutes into watching House Hunters, the front door flies open.

"Fuck you Jo! Fuck you!" Katie yells lunging towards me, Ryan holding her back.

I jump up and hold my hands out.

"My God! What's happening?!" I yell. "I wouldn't ever call you a whore, and you go out and call me a bitch! Don't ever twist my words again McGuire! Or should I say Elliott?" Katie spats.

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