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I lay on the bed,  in the dark. I can hear Brad snoring, so I know he is sleeping peacefully. I just can't seem to close my eyes.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I turn over, face to face with Brad. "Can't sleep?" He asks. "No, but I don't want to keep you up."

"It's okay." He says and pulls me close to him, our bodies touching. "I am so sorry Brad. I just don't understand I-" "Jo, don't blame yourself. It's okay. I love you. I won't ever stop. If we can have a kid or not."

"But I am taking something away from you, that's not fair at all." "We can always adopt, or check out surrogacy." "But that would mean your sperm would be in some other chick. Nope." I say causing Brad to laugh, and I chuckle a bit.

"That's what I wanna hear! You laughing!" Brad smiles and kisses me on the nose. "I know, I'm sorry. I was just shocked is all. I thought I wouldn't be like my aunt. She adopted a few kids because she couldn't have any. She seems happy." I smile.

"We can check our options honey." "I love you, Bradley." "Love you too, Jo." "How bout we get back to sleep?" "Okay." I say and drift my eyes shut, inhaling Brad's scent.

I wake up to Brad moving back and forth in bed. I fully open my eyes and sit up to look at him.

I see he is still asleep, and I think he is having a nightmare. The sun is shining through the blinds, and I can see Brad's face. He looks sad and angry.

I touch his arm and he jolts up, and looks at me in horror. "Brad what's wrong?" I ask. "I don't know. I didn't expect to see you when I woke up." He says takes in a deep breath, and pulls me into his bear chest.

"What happened Brad?" I ask. "Terrible terrible dream. I don't really wanna talk about it. I don't want it to come true." He says, catching his breath still.

"Okay. I understand." I say as I comfort him.

They day goes on a bit, and Katie, Chase, Joey, and Ryan come over, just so we can escape the world for a bit.

"So what are we doing? I don't want to be bored out of my mind." Ryan says as he walks in the door.

"Hello Ryan. Good to see you." I laugh. He waves and sits down on the bean bag chair. Katie and Chase come in with some pizza & chicken wings.

Joey just comes in with a big smile, as usual. Like I swear his smile never goes away.

"Hey guys!" Joey says and everyone says hello back. We all eat food and sometime Ryan left, I don't know when, but he did.

"Where is Ryan?" Chase asks. "No idea." I reply, cleaning off my plate. "Is he still here?" Katie asks looking around. "Don't think so." Brad says and takes the plate out of my hand.

I glare at him. "Excuse me sir, why did you do that?" I ask. "Because. You are not going to do the dishes. We are putting them in the dishwasher, and you are walking away and spending time with friends." Brad says.

"But-" "no. Come on." He says and puts the dishes in the dishwasher and drags me out of the kitchen and sits me down on the couch, along with the others.

"So, what bullshit do we all have to share today?" Katie laughs. "Nothing much. I still have the same old bullshit." I laugh. "Me too." Chase says.

"I really want to know where Ryan went." Joey says, as he pulls his phone out. "What are you gonna do? Interrogate him?" Brad laughs.

"No, I'm just checking Snapchat because he is always on." He laughs and shrugs his shoulders.

"Nothing?" Katie asks. "Nope." Joey says and puts his phone away. "Who knows where Ryan went." I say. "Have you ever seen Batman and Ryan in the same room together?" Katie asks.

"I've never seen Batman in a room at all." I sass. "Well fine Jo. Don't play along." Katie laughs.

"Hey guys, I gotta go. Today was fun! Bye guys!" Joey says and hugs us all.

When he closes the door, I lay down on the floor, earning strange looks from everyone.

"What? I'm comfortable." I say, closing my eyes. "Wow Jo. You haven't changed since we were little." Chase laughs.

"No I have not." I laugh. We all talk up a storm all night.

I wake up and I am still face down on the floor.

I roll over and see that it is morning. I glance up and see Brad half off the couch, dead asleep. And then I look to my right, and there is Katie along with Chase dead asleep.

Oh my God I can't even remember going to sleep last night.

I chuckle and get up and around.

I go to make a bowl of cereal and am scared shitless by Katie walking into the kitchen and saying, "do you have Lucky Charms?"

"Katie! Holy shit! You scared me half to death!" "Yeah, I have that affect on people." She laughs and earns a glare from me.

"Here." I say and shove the box and a bowl at her. Then, I give her the milk and she thanks me.

"I'm really fucking tired. I think I'm going to go bed. Thanks for a fun night." I smile and give her a hug and go upstairs.

*Brad's pov.

I wake up and see Chase laying asleep on the couch across from me.

I walk into the kitchen confused and see Katie eating cereal.

"Morning bed head." She says chuckling. I run my fingers through my hair. "Shut up." I chuckle.

"If you are wondering, your love just went to bed." Katie smiles.

"Gotcha." I say giving her a thumbs up. "Holy shit why am I still here?" We hear Chase say in the living room.

"Because we all passed out telling stories last night." Katie says. "Oh yeah." Chase says and walks into the kitchen.

"We should probably get back to the hotel room, babe." Chase winks. "Ew okay bye." Brad says sticking his tongue out.

"Yeah, okay Brad." Katie laughs. "Tell Jo we said bye." Chase says and they both leave.

I'm going to go join Jo in bed. I am so tired.

When I open the door, Jo is all sprawled out on the bed, causing me to laugh.

I get into bed carefully, and she clings to me like a koala bear to an eucalyptuses tree.

I smile and kiss her on the forehead.



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