Life line

5 1 0

The world is flat, all joy is gone

Was it ever there?

I curl my knees up to my chest

And sink into despair

I 'spose I should try to get out of this slough,

But I can't bring myself to care…

Life will go on without me

No one will notice if I'm not there.

"It's just not fair!" my spirit cries

but who ever said that life was fair?

It tramples on your hopes and dreams -
Innocents beware.

Life's hard, it hurts, just live with it

If you can't, what are you doing here?

I ask myself this question now,

But no answer do I hear…

Except perhaps a whisper

A tiny thread of hope

If there's just one who cares about me

Then perhaps I'll cope.

If there's one solitary being

Who wants me as part of their life,

Then perhaps it will bring some meaning

To this dark and lonely life

Perhaps it will be a reason,

A beginning and not an end?

So I turn on the computer,

And I ask 'Are you there, my friends?"

Poems of a dark soulWhere stories live. Discover now