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I sit here All day,
the tv on.
listening to music,
The only friend that hasn't left me in the dark yet.

Waiting for someone to respond,
that's my life.
All day...I wait,
and once that message comes in I'm right on its tail,
answering that person as soon as possible.

A few minutes go by,
Tic, toc
Tic, toc
Tic...a response!
*Grabs my phone and answers, sending it back to them.*
Another few minutes,
Tic, Toc
Tic, Toc
While I wait I might as well play a game.
*feeds the chickens, collects milk*
Still no response, okay, play a little more.
Oh hey, I can get free diamonds if I watch this video.
*clicks on it, ad begins to play*
*clicks the home button quickly, forgetting about the ad.
*answers them. Send.

Time to get back on the game. They'll respond soon.
Tic, toc
Tic, toc
Tic, toc
Tic, toc
No response.
*plays game
Tic, toc
Tic, toc
I'm hungry, *opens the fridge*.....oh that's right...no food….guess I won't eat then.
*looks at Phone*
No response.
Guess I'll watch a little tv.
*watches a 30 minute show*
*gasps* he answered!
*looks, notification for Facebook*
Tic, toc.
Tic, toc
Tic, toc
*hangs head down thinking I'm not worth anyone's time*.....
*looks at clock*
It's midnight
Time to go to bed
Goodbye light
*turns off phone*
Hello darkness, my old friend

I toss and turn for an hour before falling into a unrestful sleep.

“Pudding!” a response.

Poems of a dark soulWhere stories live. Discover now