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A solitary figure shuffled along an earthen path. It's gray, sweeping, cloak-like coat with it's deep hood still failed to hide a few key features that, if there had been any passersby, would have sent them running in the opposite direction. For one thing, despite the coat's layers, the figure was visibly humped, though it moved with an odd, jerky grace through the forest.  For another, it was sniffing. It wasn't as if it had a cold. No, it seemed to be searching.... smelling.... for something. Or someone.

It moved along quickly, intent on it's prey. Overhead, a raven cawed loudly, and it suddenly stopped, cocking it's head up at the trees. But there was no further sound. The massive birch and pine forest was eerily silent.

Slowly, it began to creep along again, now and then glancing upwards into the interlaced boughs and thick foliage. It knew it's prey was close, but it's protectors were close as well. It could not let them get any further.

So intent was it on it's sniffing and glancing, that at first it didn't notice the small article of clothing that lay in the middle of the path. When it caught sight of the fabric, it jumped back a pace with a squawk, then swayed forward again, leaning down to pick it up with a pale, grey hand that glistened like a dead thing. The last digits of each finger ended in sharp, clawlike points.

It snagged the tiny cloth - a hat, but too small for an adult head, with a little pink bow - and brought it up to the gaping darkness of the hood for a good sniff. 

A screech echoed through the forest, emptily. The tiny hat dropped from the crablike hands as the coated figure screamed to the sky. Suddenly, the coat was gone, and a set of wings, shimmering and transparent, were lifted briefly to the air, before there was a roaring buzz, and then nothing was left on the forest path but a puddle of black cloth, a baby's hat, and the wind in the branches.

For several minutes, it remained peaceful. Then, from the trees above, came a single, satisfied caw.


That's right folks. You've read and reread my books in hopeful anticipation.... and now, finally, I'm beginning..... wait for it.....


dun dun dunnnnnnn!

I'll be completely overhauling and rewriting the entire series from scratch, adding plot and developing charecters correctly.


Hold on.

So I actually wrote this prologue MONTHS ago. And like the first two chapters of my failed start at a rewrite, it had been up for some time before I took them down to do things properly. However, reading it over again, including everything up to the aforementioned terrible DJ noises, I realized that it is in fact still relevant, as far as what I'm doing with the story and backstory. SO, this is still the 'trailer', if you will, and thus I will still include it here. 

I've babbled enough secrets now.



Why are you still here? GO READ CHAPTER ONE ALREADY! And the rest of them, while you're at it!

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