Ghost | Betty Parris

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Name: Betty Parris

Age at death: 29

Gender: Female

Status: Evil

Appearance: Betty Parris was rather on the poorer side of the scale, yet she chose to dress up fancier than most of similar wealth. Always wearing a cream-colored bonnet along with her signature apron, Betty Parris' clothes were styled to look like a maid, yet fancy in its own unique way with its delicate frills and carefully fabricated hem. With skin a touch darker than most of the town, Betty Parris could be considered different from the others in terms of appearance, yet she carried herself with the same formal manner as would any of the wealthy. She keeps her beautiful, silky black hair in two braids most of the time, with ribbons—brown at the time of her death—completing her rather "school-girl" look. Appearing quite a bit older than she really is, Betty's appearance often creates an illusion of age, wealth, and so much more than what she truly is.

Personality: Betty Parris is a woman fashioned of lies and deceit, yet it goes beyond simply fabricating her desired appearance; most could perhaps find a relation in that. Her voice is sweetened with fake sugar, and she spins lies with a tone terribly convincing. Not one could see through her persuasive words differing—even by the slightest—from the truth. She, herself, is simply a facade of what others have pegged her to be, and often, she finds herself becoming an evil woman of deceitful beauty. Truly, her soul has been drowned within the dark waters of the Evil Witch's soul which has molded with her own, combining to create something dangerously wrong. Her heart had once burned bright, but now only the blackened ashes of destruction remain. She has become a lie, and within the lie she lives, the darkness that has truly conquered her soul and heart lingering within the concealment of her deceptive facade.

Background: Betty Parris' 'true' life began when the Evil Witch appeared to her as a youth, offering her a glowing blue liquid. It was enchanted with the very evil of the witch's soul, and when Betty Parris swallowed it down -under submission to a forced mind-trick- her entire destiny became tainted with uncontrollable evil. She started weaving webs of deception among her friends, her family; at first it was simply a compelling desire throbbing in her consciousness, yet it later became a steady, tricky game of deciphering her truths and lies. When Betty Parris began to fall into those strands that she had weaved, her acquaintances began to suspect. Day upon night was a trickle of new realization that they had been fooled of their money, their possessions and fortunes. And Betty Parris saw that there was a single way to shut down the whispers, and it soon became another game of both compelling desire and pressing necessities.

But she knew that it was the Evil Witch's doing that had changed her life for the worse. The liquid she had been manipulated to drink had connected her, in some way, to the witch, and the others valued her as their best tracker. And now, drifting along her past homeland as a Ghost, Betty Parris feels as if the Evil Witch hasn't entirely left just yet.

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