ps: i just copied and pasted this so it's not in lowercase1. Clean/de-clutter even a small section of your room. It seems like a chore but a clean space makes you feel so much better
2. Take a shower/a bubble bath
3. Go for a walk - even inside if you don't want to face the outside world
4. Take a nap. If you're feeling overwhelmed, sometimes a nap can really help to clear your head.
5. Make your bed. It just makes everything look tidier
6. Do at least one small task. If you have a ton to do, do one small, simple thing such as reply to an e-mail. This usually motivates me to do more when I complete a tiny thing.
7. Play with a pet. Pets are stress relievers and a lot of the time their energy and positivity rubs off on us
8. Paint your nails.
9. Eat something nourishing. IF you don't eat or eat junk food, you will only feel worse.
10. Drink some water
11. Write. Either write down your feelings/thoughts, make up a story or just write.
12. Plan. Having a plan can make things seem more organised and make you realise that it is possible.
13. Listen to some happy tunes.
Create an uplifting playlist. Fill it with motivation and dance tunes and just fun songs to get you going.
14. Have a dance party in your room. Stick on some of those happy tunes and just let go.
15. Netflix/movie marathon. Grab some popcorn and let yourself watch some stuff to take your mind off of things.
16. Stretch. I don't know if this is because I'm a dancer or not, but I love to have a good stretch when I feel bad.
17. Go outside and cloud watch.
18. Burn a candle. A nice smelling candle can really relax you.
19. Create something. Whether you draw, paint, craft, build, just make something.
20. Make a list of all the things you're grateful for or nice things that have happened.
21. Hug someone. Hugs are instant mood lifters and stress relievers.
22. Make a mug of tea. This always instantly calms me and it also hydrates you.
23. Take your medication. If you take any, then make sure you take it. You will feel better.
24. Put on comfy clothes.
25. Read a nice book. Preferably one that has nothing to do with your studying or work