chapter 7

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The sweet scent of food filled the dining room as Rachel and the Hudson/Hummel's gathered to eat dinner. As Rachel took a bite of her food she glanced over at Finn, who had been fairly quiet throughout the meal. She was surprised to see that he had already been looking at her, and he offered her a smile. Rachel returned the smile, wishing that wonderful grin could stay on his face forever. She missed everything about him, especially that smile. She remembered that smile all too well. He had always smiled at everyone almost the same, but he always had that special smile reserved just for her. That smile meant everything to her, and all she wanted to do was look at it forever.

"So, Rachel," Carole began, interrupting Rachel's trance. Rachel turned her attention towards Carole before she began to speak again. "How has school been? It must be weird returning after all these years."

"It is a bit unusual," Rachel replied. "It's strange seeing everyone I used to know looking so grown up. Especially Puck, I never imagined him wanting something like a Mohawk!"

"Noah has a Mohawk?" Carole questioned in disbelief. She clapped her hands together and laughed out loud. "That's hysterical!" She calmed herself down from all her laughing before continuing on. "I haven't seen that boy in years, how has he been? Getting into trouble?"

"Yes, he's still the same Noah Puckerman that he was all those years ago," Rachel laughed. "Being with him and Santana kind of makes it feel like old times again." Rachel glanced over at Finn during the "kind of" part of her words. She noticed him shift uncomfortably, but no one else at the table seemed to notice the action.

"Oh, Santana's in the gang still too, huh?" Carole asked. "I haven't seen her in a while either. You know, when you kids were little, I always thought her and Noah would end up together. It was just a silly little theory of mine."

"Santana actually has a girlfriend now," Rachel told her, proving her theory wrong.

"Oh," Carole commented, looking a little shocked. "I have to say that I didn't see that coming, but never the less, I'm happy for her. Everyone deserves to find happiness."

"Yeah," Rachel agreed, "I didn't exactly see it coming either, but she and Brittany seem to be happy together."

"That's nice," Carole said. The five of them ate in silence for a moment before Carole started a new conversation. She looked up from her plate to Rachel and cleared her throat before speaking. "So, Rachel, tell me about California. I want to hear all about it."

"California was fun," Rachel replied, wiping her mouth with her napkin. "I mean, at first I was completely opposed to living there, but I eventually got used to it. We lived about 40 or so minutes away from the beach, so that was always fun. My dads and I took scuba diving lessons, and that was fun."

Carole smiled, "Sounds like it. And I bet you made some good friends while you were down there too."

Rachel nodded, "Yeah, I made a few good friends. Of course I found some really good friends just before my dads announced we were moving back," Rachel laughed a bit at her last statement.

Carole nodded her head in understanding. "Did you meet any boys while you were down there?" Carole asked, causing Rachel to blush a bit.

Rachel's eyes flickered to Finn for a moment, who had just begun pushing his food around his plate uncomfortably after Carole's last question. Rachel turned back to Carole, "No, I didn't meet anyone really special while I was down there. I wasn't necessarily looking for anyone new, anyway." Her eyes went to Finn once more and she knew he knew what she meant. Of course she wasn't looking for anyone new. As far as she was concerned, she already had someone special in her life. Rachel once again turned to Carole and intended to change the subject. "How was life here in Ohio?"

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