chapter 19

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Rachel hummed a tune to herself as she got ready for school the next morning. Her joy and happiness from her date with Finn the night before had continued into the morning. After her and Finn left the school he drove her home, only to continue their make out session in his truck, parked a few blocks away from her house. Neither one of them seemed to be able to keep their hands off one another, not that Rachel had a problem with that. Rachel arrived home and was walking through the door only a few minutes before 10:00, which had been her curfew. However, neither of her fathers had been waiting up for her to see when she returned. That fact only added to Rachel's enthusiasm. It showed that her fathers completely trusted her and Finn, which was a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Rachel reached for her hair straightener, intending to straighten her hair as she usually did, but instead grabbed the curling iron next to it. Even though her hair had natural curls, she almost always wore it straight. However, her new relationship with Finn inspired a new attitude in her. She carefully curled her hair, making sure each twist was perfect.

Once Rachel was finished with her hair she exited her in suite bathroom and moved towards her closet. Her usual style was unique, not too dressy, but not too laid back. She liked it, as did most of the people around her. Rachel was a firm believer that what you wear should reflect your personality. Clothes were a way to express yourself, and Rachel was definitely for self-expression.

Rachel pulled a blue dress from her closet and slipped it on. She then pulled out her matching pair of heels that accompanied the dress perfectly. She looked at her reflection one last time in the mirror before she headed out the door to say good morning to her fathers. She walked down the stairs to see Hiram sitting at the table whistling to a song she didn't recognize. "Good morning, daddy," Rachel greeted, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. "Where's Dad?"

"Good morning, Rachel," Hiram replied. "Your dad has already left for work this morning. He got a call last night asking him to come in early."

"Oh, okay," Rachel said, sitting down at the kitchen table. "They must be busy today or something."

"They are," Hiram said. "Before he left, he made sure that I would ask you how your date with Finn went last night. We were both already in bed before you got home."

"Yes, I noticed you weren't up still," Rachel replied. "And my dad with Finn went wonderfully! He asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Oh, Rachel, that's good news!" Hiram said, feeling happy for his daughter. "Finn is such a nice boy. I'm so happy things are working for the two of you. Your dad and I always knew there was something special between the two of you from the first day you brought him and Noah over."

"Yeah, I always knew there was something special about Finn," Rachel said. "He was different from all my other friends. He was special."

Hiram nodded along. "Have you heard anything from Noah lately? How about Santana? You and her were becoming pretty good friends again, weren't you?"

"Yes we were, and I am still talking to Santana. Not as much as before though. She's always been better friends with Noah, so when we broke up she kind of sided with him," Rachel answered. "And as for Noah, we haven't talked much at all since I ended things with him."

"He'll come around, Rachel," Hiram told her. "He's just a little hurt now, that's all. The three of you were always such good friends, and friends like that always find their way back to each other."

"Even when one friend breaks another friend's heart?"

Hiram chuckled lightly, "I never said it would be easy, but it will work out. Just make sure he knows that you'll always be there for him, and he'll make his way back."

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