chapter 14

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Homecoming time! :)

Music was flowing out of the stereo, curling irons were burning up, and glitter was being throw everywhere. Normally Rachel would have been much more aware of a mess being made in her bedroom, but that night was different. She and Santana were getting ready for the William McKinley High School Homecoming Dance.

Rachel curled her hair into a perfect spiral, an art she mastered a long time ago. She then gently sprinkled a little glitter into the curls to match the sparkly pattern of her dress. Her makeup was done perfectly, as was Santana's, all they had left to do was put on their dresses.

"Time check?" Santana asked, fluffing up the ends of her hair.

Rachel glanced back at the clock on the wall, "We have about 10 minutes before Puck and Brittany get here."

"Perfect," Santana replied, walked out of the bathroom over to where their dresses were on the bed. Santana lifted her dress, the fiery red fabric shimmering in the light.

"I'll tell you what, Santana, you couldn't have picked a better dress for you," Rachel commented, running her hand across the fabric of Santana's dress.

"Red is my color apparently," Santana said back. "When I used to always go to cheerleading camp over the summer all the other girls called me Satan. Not too bad, huh?"

"No, they're not too far off," Rachel said with a laugh, stepping into her dress. She pulled it up to her shoulders and turned away from Santana, "Can you zip me up?"

"Sure," Santana replied, pulling up the zipper of Rachel's pink dress. Once Santana pulled her dress on Rachel helped her out with the zipper. As soon as their dresses were on and ready they sprinted into the bathroom to look at their reflections in the mirror. A smile came across Rachel's face as she saw how incredible they both looked.

"Well, Rachel," Santana spoke up, "I think we're ready to get our homecoming on!"

Just as the girls walked down the stairs Puck and Brittany had arrived. They walked through the door and froze as they saw Santana and Rachel descending the staircase.

"Oh, Rachel! You look beautiful!" Hiram exclaimed as he too walked into the room to see the girls. "As do you Santana, and Brittany!" He turned towards Puck and shook his hand and giving the other three girls a hug.

"Well don't you all look stunning," Leroy said as he entered the room and stood next to his husband.

"Thanks dads," Rachel said, walking over to stand next to Puck. She looked towards the rest of the group, "Are we all ready to go?"

"Yeah, I think so," Santana replied, walking towards the door.

"Have fun!" Hiram called out the door as the four of them got into the car. "Don't be out too late!"

Rachel waved goodbye to them as the car backed out of the driveway.

The four of them sat at their booth at Breadstix for dinner before the dance began. The silently munched on the complimentary bread sticks given to them at the start of their meal. A few other groups or couples from their school filled the restaurant.

The small bell about the doorway chimed as another group walked in, causing all four of them to turn their heads. In came Dave Karofsky with Quinn attached to his arm. They flashed smiles around as they walked to their table, acting as if they were named couple of the year.

"Wow, I didn't see that one coming," Santana said with a half of a breadstick stuffed in her mouth.

"Try chewing with your mouth closed one time," Puck snapped to Santana.

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