chapter 11

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Rachel pulled into the Hudson/Hummel driveway and immediately noticed the absence of a certain truck in the driveway. She breathed out a sigh of relief. In her excitement to share the news of her dress with Kurt, having a run in with Finn hadn't even crossed her mind. Luckily he wasn't home that particular evening, and Rachel could enjoy Carole's cooking in peace.

Before Rachel even had a chance to get out of her car, the front door of the house swung open and Kurt came rushing out to usher Rachel into the house. "Hurry up, Rachel! The pizza's getting cold," Kurt called to her.

"Calm down, Kurt, I'm coming as fast as I can!" Rachel stepped out of her car and slowly walked up to the front door in spite of Kurt.

"Oh, would you just grow up and get your butt in here? I'm not getting any younger," Kurt said, practically pulling Rachel into the door.

Rachel giggled and stepped through the door way, the aroma of Carole's homemade pizza coming to her senses.

"Rachel!" Carole exclaimed as she came running towards the doorway to give Rachel a hug, Rachel's usual greeting when she visited.

"Hi, Carole," Rachel said, returning Carole's hug. "The pizza smells absolutely delicious. It's been so long since I've had it."

"Well maybe if you came over more than once in however many years you'd be able to have it more often!" Carole laughed. "Come on in and take a seat, I'll get you a slice."

Rachel and Kurt walked into the dining room and sat down next to each other at the table. "So," Rachel began, "where's your dad?"

"Something came up at the shop and he had to go down there. I'm not totally sure when he'll be back but he told us to go ahead and eat without him. Finn's not here either, so it's not like we'd be having much of a family dinner tonight anyway."

Carole came back in the room with the plate of pizza before Rachel had time to respond. "Okay," she sang, "who's ready to eat?"

Rachel smiled towards the woman, "I know I am!" Everyone filled their plates and began to bite into their pizza. Rachel finished chewing her bite and smiled once again. "Mmm, Carole, your pizza never fails to be satisfactory."

"Thanks, Rachel," Carole replied. "This recipe has been in the family for years."

"Well, I must say, you do a fantastic job making it," Rachel said, taking another bite.

They continued to eat in silence for a while longer, simply enjoying their meals, until Kurt broke the silence. "Carole," he began, "guess who asked Rachel to the homecoming dance."

Carole turned towards Rachel, "Who asked you?"

Rachel opened her mouth to reply, but Kurt beat her to it, "Noah Puckerman did!"

Carole turned to Rachel yet again, "Noah asked you to the dance? How nice!"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, actually. I didn't really see his invitation coming, but I think it'll go very well," Rachel replied.

"I'm glad things are working out for you," Carole said with a smile. She looked around the table, noticing everyone's plates were practically empty. "I suppose I should start on the dishes. They aren't going to be doing themselves."

"Oh, can I help you?" Rachel offered, standing up with Carole.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd really appreciate the help," Carole responded, taking Kurt's plate from him.

The two girls walked into the kitchen with the dirty dishes in their hands and placed them in the sink to wash. "So, how about I wash, and you dry?" Carole suggested.

"Sounds fine to me," Rachel replied taking the dish towel from the table to get it ready to dry.

Carole started the water and began scrubbing the first plate. "I really appreciate you helping out, Rachel," Carole began. "Usually Finn helps out with the dishes, but he's out with Quinn."

"Oh," Rachel said, her voice dropping at the mention of Quinn.

"I've got to be honest with you, Rachel, I really don't know what Finn sees in that Quinn girl. From the second he first brought her home I knew I wouldn't like her."

"I guess I don't really know her that well," Rachel replied, even though she herself wasn't Quinn's biggest fan either.

"She seems so rude and controlling towards Finn," Carole said. "You know, I haven't seen Finn smile the way he used to since he started dating her. Actually, I haven't seen that smile in a very long time."

"I noticed that he's different than he was when I left," Rachel said. "I barely even recognized him."

Carole gave Rachel a sad look, "I hope he's able to find his way back soon." Rachel gave Carole a sympathetic smile before turning back to her drying job.

"Bye Carole! It was really nice seeing you again!" Rachel said before she shut the front door and headed down the driveway to her car. However, she stopped in her tracks when she saw a truck pulling into the driveway. It was Finn. He cut the engine and climbed out of the truck before Rachel got into her car to go home.

"Hey, Rach," Finn said in a small voice.

"Hi, Finn," Rachel said, trying to avoid eye contact, but failing as usual.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was invited over for dinner, but I'm leaving now," Rachel said quickly. "So I guess I'll see you at school."

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you there," Finn said, watching Rachel breeze past him. Just before Rachel got to her car, Finn turned and stopped her with his words. "Don't go to the dance with Puck."

Rachel's eyes snapped to Finn's, "What?"

Finn repeated himself, but much calmer this time, "Don't go to the dance with Puck."

Rachel's eyes widened in shock, "Finn, I—"

"I broke up with Quinn tonight, Rach. I told her I couldn't see her anymore because I still gave feelings for someone else."


"I'm so sorry, Rachel. I'm so sorry," Finn said softly, walking towards her until he was only a few steps away. "I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you."

Rachel shook her head letting a stray tear roll down her cheek. "I don't even know who you are anymore."

"I'm sorry," Finn said again, giving her a pleading look.

"You promised me that you'd wait for me," Rachel said, tears now falling rapidly down her face. "You're not the same Finn I used to know."

"I'm changing, Rachel, I promise," Finn said, taking a hold of one of her hands.

Rachel pulled her hand from his, feeling her heart break a little at the loss of his touch that she had been craving for so long. "I wish I could believe you, Finn." She stepped towards her car. "I have to go."

"No, Rachel," Finn called after her as she got into her car and started the engine. He too felt tears fall as she backed out of the driveway and sped off down the street.

Awwww poor Finn but I guess he kinda deserves it after the way he's been acting

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