Capture the flag. The game for bitches;)

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I had fallen asleep at the desk, and was woken by Percy at 9:15. Percy looked at what I was drawing and said," you should really take these to Leo,". I closed the journal,and walked downstairs, with it."maybe I will," I said cockily. I was, so I walked to the Hephaestus cabin, and knocked. Leo walked out,"how may I help you," he asked. "Build this I'll pay you for it," I asked handing him the paper."you've got a deal," he said. "Hey, I want it done before capture the flag, please,". "Deal, no problem I'll get working on it now," he said. I walked back to the cabin, and went inside. "Dane, grab your sword, I'm gonna train you," Percy said. We,walked out, and down to a lake, that I'm surprised I missed. We stood by the side of the lake, and Percy said," throw water at me, as much as you can,". So I brought up both my hands, and when I threw the water, and a lot of it hit him, like 25 liters. "Okay, you can throw a lot of water. Let's go train with swords- another strong suit," he said. As we were about to get there Annabeth ran up to Percy, and kissed him." If you win tonight-me, you in bed," she said. I looked at her, and said," you've got to fucking kidding me there's no way your having sex while I try to sleep. Also Annabeth never fuck Percy on your period, please," I said. I continued on my walk to the sword arena with Annabeth looking at me with complete disgust. Percy walked in right after me."dude please don't do that to her again. She's really pissed off. At me for that," he said. I nodded, but I didn't here's word he said I was thinking of whale noises." What are the teams for capture the flag," i asked." Chiron hasn't put them up yet," he replied. "Tell me what they are when he does. Now let's fight, Spartan style," I said. I pulled out my frappuccino, Percy pulled,out his pen. "What's your swords name," Percy asked. "I don't know, I'll just call it Starbucks," I said with a laugh. I pressed the button,and the blade came out, Percy did the same. I swung my sword, and he swung his. We clashed, and started the duel. We were both moving our swords to our max potential, and some people saw us, and came. A crowd started to develop after a while. Jason walked in, and saw what was going on and walked out. We continued fighting. I sliced and, Percy parried. He jabbed, and I parried. Then as he jabbed I hit his sword disarming him. I put my sword to his neck, and said," good game, that was well fought on your part,". He picked up his sword, and we headed for lunch. I couldn't believe it was already 1:00 in the afternoon. Chiron walked in, and addressed the camp." The team captains for capture the flag will be Percy, and Dane," he said. Right then Leo ran up to me. " Dane here it is- I'm done," he said. He handed me a box. I looked inside, and grinned it was perfect." And there is a new rule to capture the flag, all weapons are allowed," said Chiron. He looked at me, and I knew exactly what was up. I took the box from Leo. " teams will be decided by me though for capture the flag. Although they are your team captains," said Chiron." Dismissed," he finished. Me and Percy walked back to the cabin." What did you give Leo to make," he asked. "You'll find out during CTF," I said. I walked inside, and up to my room. I sat down on my bed, and opened the box. I had Leo make me Ghost Recon armor with scaled imperial gold plating, and a Ghost mask. He also gave me a pair of sweet sunglasses. I looked like ghost from Modern Warfare 2. Just more golden. I went back to the desk, and started writing more. The next thing I knew it was 6:00, CTF starts at 6:30. I put on my armor, and grabbed my stuff. I walked outside. Chiron was standing there." Follow me boy," he said. I followed him into the forest. We came into a small valley where there was 20 people waiting. He stopped there, and walked away. I walked into the middle of the team. I looked around,a don didn't see anyone I knew, except for Leo who was happy as ever. "I'm going to defend with Leo, everybody else charge. That's an order, I've got this," I said. Leo looked at me like I was insane. "3-2-1 ... GO," said a voice. Everybody ran except for me and Leo. I pulled out my Barrett, and ran for the top of the hill. I saw 2 enemies running for us. I decided to be nice. I shot them both in the knees. They fell screaming in pain. I saw a group of people running off to the left, but it was to hard to shoot them. So I pulled out my sword. Leo looked to where I was. Then I decided to use a little trick from my suit. I hit a button on my left arm, and a sword sprang out like a hidden blade. Then Clarisse, Jason, Nico, and Percy jumped out of the bushes on the left. They saw me, and Leo and laughed. They pulled out there swords, and charged. " I can take you all on," I said. Clarisse ran for the flag while i took on Percy, Jason, and Nico. Percy threw 3 gallons of water at me. I some how caught it, and threw it back at him. I brought my sword up, and lightning struck The three. Then the ground shook, and fissures opened up. The three were stunned so I attacked, and took them down with my swords. Clarisse had knocked Nico out, and had taken the flag. She was 100 feet away to far to attack with anything. So I pulled out my Barrett.50, and shot Clarisse in the thigh. She fell down, and someone on my team ran the flag back to our side. We won the CTF.

Betrayal and Loss                              book 1 in the camp seriesWhere stories live. Discover now