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Sara's POV;
'Bring bring, bring bring' I was trying to call Laurel and she wasn't picking up, then she did. "Hey sis!" I smiled
          "Hey Sara! How's everything going? Killed that crazy, immortal phsycopath yet?"
          "No, we are tracking him now, we think he's near by but we have to wait so we can be sure, we've got about 2 hours so I decided to call you!"
          "Cool, where are you?" I laughed
          "OMG! So cool!" I laughed again, "yeah I know right!"

I heard Kendra scream and then Laurels eyes widened, she obviously heard too. "What's going on Sara?" I was frantically looking around "Sara?" Laurel said again worried, I heard Ray shout "Hide!" My mouth dropped it was coming from the bridge and Len was in there, I muttered under my breath "Lenny" then I grabbed my tablet and battons, then ran to the bridge.

Laurels POV;

Sara ran out of her room and down the metal hallway carrying the FaceTime tablet in her arms along with her battons. "Sara? Sara what the hell is going on?" I asked she completely ignored me and then she arrived at a room with 9 seats and a table thing in the middle, she put the tablet down leaning it against the wall, I could see everything.

I saw a Ray and a women laying on the floor with blood trickling down their noses and then 3 people came into view. I saw the man that must be Savage hold a knife to Captain Colds abdomen and I saw Sara standing up, she was shaking with worry, I've never seen her do that before. "Please let Len go." She begged. Savage replied "do you really think I'm gonna do that Ta-er al-safer?" I saw Sara flinch when he called her that, she really hated that name.
          "No. I'm tempted to kill him but I'm not like that. Although I will attempt to kill you." Savage stabbed Snart in the abdomen and Sara ran to his side whispering into his ear "please, Len just stay with me." Then she paused pressing down onto his wound "Lenny please!" She shouted, then she turned her head to Savage who was laughing "you see Ta-er al-safer I knew you would do that. Love is dangerous some times" then savage walked over to her, he started caressing her face and Sara bit her lip, I knew she could take him on but she wouldn't leave Leonard's side. I saw Savage stab Sara in the leg, she didn't flinch. Then before I could shout anything he shot her just above the heart she fell onto Captain Cold bleeding terribly, about to die.

Savage walked to the camera smirking and saw me. I was crying he said "oh, dear Canary, I'm so very sorry about your sister. This will be the last time you see her" I clenched my fist and Savage picked up the camera walked back over to Sara and Leonard, the turned the camera around so I could see the two of them. I could hear them whispering, well I could hear Sara say weakly "Len" and he said "Sara come on, Sara your strong don't die on me, literally" I saw Sara smirk, still very weak.

Savage stepped hardly on Sara's leg, breaking it and then I heard Sara scream. I shouted "you son of a" and I would've finished but he hung up.

I started crying.

*Two hours later*

I decided to call team arrow and asked them to come over, I was gonna tell them what happened. They where all at the arrow cave so I just called Felicity. "Felicity" I said into my phone she picked up "hey laurel! What's up?"
          "I need you to come to my house, bring the whole of team arrow, I need to tell you something." My voice was shaking and felicity said "alright we'll be there in 5"

When the team arrived I was pacing around my living room and then Oliver asked "so Laurel, we came what's wrong?" Better be important, we were tracking the doll maker" (he's my favourite villain in arrow so far, but I know he was in season 2)
          "Sit down" they all sat and I started explaining "so Sara facetimed me and we talked for a bit, then their ship was attacked by Savage, the guy they where trying to kill. Sara went to save Snart" I was going so well and then Thea interrupted
          "wait? She went to save Snart? As in Captain Cold?" She sounded shocked
          "Yes, she did. Then when she got there she placed me leaning against the wall and I could see everything. Savage stabbed Snart and Sara ran to his side pressing down on the wound. Savage stabbed her in the leg" everyone's eyes widened and I continued "a- and then" now I started to cry, "h-he-he shot her. Just above, the, the heart." Felicity started crying and Oliver had a single tear run down his cheek "she fell on to of Snart and then savage broke her leg. All I heard was her scream and then he hung up" Now I was crying bad, and so was Oliver.

"F-for all I know, sh-she and the rest of the legends are. Dead."

So there's the second one! Hope you liked it! Btw I'm just saying the whole team died and Savage won.... sometimes I really hate my story ideas...

Happy Reading!

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