Chapter 6

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He woke up to an alarm the next morning. He never did that but he wanted to go visit Toast before he inevitably got a call.

He'd left Max at the hospital that night. She said she'd come home later and he'd fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow so he wasn't sure if she'd gotten there yet.

Peeking into their room, he didn't see anyone. Going out to my car, her truck was gone, too. Sure enough, it was in the hospital parking lot when he pulled in.

When he pulled the curtain back, he saw her asleep in a chair in Toast's room.

As if to answer my thoughts, Kat came in, too. "She's been here all night. She won't even leave to get breakfast. I've seen people do this before. Usually spouses or parents or kids. Could you take care of her? I'm starting to get worried. She's always been very strong. Sunshine didn't even find out about her mom until recently."

"She really is so strong. But she also got hurt a lot. From more than just that. Toast said he found out she was bullied all throughout school, too. I don't know how I've never seen her cry until now."

"I'm no psychologist, but I really don't think that's healthy."

Ghost shook Max awake, "Hey, Max. What are you doing?"

"Hm? Oh. Did I fall asleep?"

"Heh, yeah. Yeah, you did. Did you eat yet today?"

"What's today?" She pulled her jacket arm back to look at her watch. "Shoot..."

"I'll take that as a "no.' What do you want? I'll grab it."


He nodded, "Mhm. I'll just run downstairs. Someone has to take care of you."

Max cracked a slight smile. "Just a muffin, then. Thanks."

"Yeah." He patted hershoulder and left.

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