Chapter 5

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"Do you want me to call Sunshine?" asked, taking out her phone.

I nodded. "Could you, please?"

She smiled sympathetically and dialed. "Sunshine, I need to come to the hospital for a minute." She made a face when her daughter responded. "Yes, I do remember what happened last time." After another second, she sighed, "Well I can't leave work right now. I just need you to pick up Max and Toast's kids. I'll have to tell you when I get home tomorrow."

Ghost put a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?"

I gave him a look then turned to Johnny's room. "No..."

He let out a breath. "We'll be okay, okay? He will, too. Right, Kat?"

When she hung up, she nodded, "Of course, sweetie. Try to relax, okay?"

I looked back at the curtain hiding Johnny and the doctors.How can you relax when you might lose everything?

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