Chapter 1

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I sighed, hugging Johnny's arm. Smiling, he laid his head on mine then kissed it, "Mwa!" I snorted a laugh and the next time he tried, I leaned up and met his lips with my own. "aw, you won again!"

"Yes!" I cheered like a little kid. When people looked over at us, I blushed and shut my mouth.

He shook his head. "Hey, you're the one who wanted to go to Cracker Barrel."

"I didn't know there would be this much of a weight," I defended. "Besides, you're the one being adorable."

"Oh, it's my fault, then?" He smiled and looked at the radio of my truck. "It's about the time they said our wait would end. Want to go?"

I nodded. "Yeah. But why did you park so far from it?"

He smiled brighter, "So people will get to see how perfect you are when we walk to the restaurant."

I put a finger to his face. "Shh. Stop being adorable and get out of the truck."

Laughing, he got out. When I came around, he slipped his hand into mine instantly.

I made a face. "You're very loving today."

He shrugged, "Didn't know it was a crime."

"But don't don't you have fangirls here? What happens when one of them sees you?"

"I will take my chances if they get to see you."

I looked up to peer into his gleaming eyes, but instead of happy, they were horrified.

It all seemed to happen in slow-motion. His eyes widened and he longed forward. I tried to grab him but he was already on the street, blood seeping out from his midsection.

I heard people scream and saw someone grab their phone. Dropping to his side, I tore off the arm of my jacket and pressed it against his wound to stop the bleeding.

"Come on, Johnny. Come on. Please!"

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