Chapter 8

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When he got back, I quickly took my laptop from Ghost and turned on. "Alright now could ya go ask Kat what the password ta the wifi is?"

"Who do you think I am?"

"Do you want to help safe Johnny or not?!"

The room was silent. It was as if they both needed time for the reality of his life being in danger to set in. I gulped, myself but spoke to Ghost as if Johnny weren't there, "He could die again at any time. Those times I thought he was gone, part of me died with him. A big part. I can't let that happen for good. And if I can do this... There's a chance that it won't."

Without another word, Ghost nodded and speed-walked out to find Kat.

I let out a deep breath while Johnny could only breath his words, "Max..."

I turned and realized what my little freak-out must have looked like from his perspective. "Johnny, Ah..."

"Don't speak," he said simply. "Come here." Doing as he told me, I was greeted once again by a kiss. This one being a peck on the lips rather than the cheek. "I would make it a real kiss if I weren't in too much pain to pull you in."

"Should Ah help?"

He smiled. "If you insist."

Biting my bottom lip at first, I leaned closer and kissed him. Then Ghost came in, "Here's the- Oops!"

I pulled back and took the sticky note. "Thanks, Ghost. Now maybe Ah'll be able to become the new Nancy Drew." I glanced at Johnny who was still smiling at me. Clearly he wasn't ready to get back to work yet. "So, unless someone has perfected the ice bullet, there's no known knowledge of any other shooting victims having not had a bullet or an exit wound."

Ghost sat in the chair on the other side of me as I pulled mine up next to Johnny's bed. "How has no one made an ice bullet?"

I shook my head, "Not dense enough. It would shatter when it hit the victim-" I stopped and looked at Johnny. "Ah-Ah mean Johnny."

"You've been reading too many murder mysteries," Johnny accused.

Blushing, I turned back to my laptop and found something instantly. I quickly sketched out the angles on the notepad to work with later.

Then quickly erased them.

"What are you doing?" Ghost sat up straighter.

"Density," I sighed. "If I don't know that, I can't find the right angles. Thus, no attempted assassin found."

"Than what do we do?" Johnny pitched in.

I looked at him then smiled at Ghost. "Wanna fire an ice bullet?"

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