Chapter 4

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Niall's POV

Yesterday when we got back home, my head was still spinning with thoughts of Sophie, no matter how hard I tried to push them away. We were currently playing FIFA waiting on our pizza to arrive when Liam spoke up ' hey lads, I just got a text from Tim, apparently he's found us a choreographer' 'that's good' said Louis, who was currently playing against me. 'Yeah were meeting up with her tomorrow' 'her?' Said Harry, ears perking up. 'Yes her Harry, and try to tone down the flirting, we don't want to scare her off' Liam repiled back, in his fatherly tone. 'Yeah yeah ' Harry repiled before going back to his phone. 'She probably old any way oh wait that's not a problem is it Haz' said Louis smirking. Harry tackled him so I paused the game and waited for them to finish. 'Whats her name?' Zayn asked, 'he didn't say, just gave me the address and time' Liam shrugged. Typical, oh well who cares.

The next day we were all own our way to this girls studio, 'you sure this is the right place Li? It looks more like a house then a studio' I spoke up. It was true the address we pulled up to was indeed a house, not a studio. 'Its what Tim texted me, I don't know let's go in'. Louis and Harry ran out of the car, me, Zayn and Liam not far behind. Louis had already knocked on he door when we came up. 'Coming, just a second' a familiar voice called out. 'Hang on that sounds like-' started Zayn but was cut off by the door opening. There was Sophie, the girl I couldn't get out of my head. 'Sophie good to see you' called out Louis. You could tell she was confused at why we were here, I was too in fact. 'Uh yeah um are you guys one direction?' She asked us. 'Yep were one direction, guessing your our choreographer?' Said Harry. She was still confused but nodded her head anyway. 'Thats cool I didn't know you could dance' spoke up Zayn. She shrugged ' i try um come in then' she said pulling the door open further where we all stepped in.

It was nice place, very homelike. It almost reminded me of my best friend Sophie's old room. Maybe just maybe this Sophie was in fact my Sophie, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. 'Nice place' Liam said. 'Thanks it's not much but it's home, um the studios upstairs if you guys wanna get started' 'wait you have a dance studio in your own home?' I asked, first time I had heard something like that. She nodded almost nervously. 'Thats so cool' I repiled, to which she gave me a smile. Louis and Harry had already bolted up the stairs. 'Wow this is awesome, guys come up' called down Harry. When we went up, it did look awesome. It was an actual dance studio right her in her house.

'Alright so I heard you guys need a routine, I guess that's what I'm for' 'yeah we need a routine for our song save you tonight, were doing a music video for it and it requires dancing' Liam said. Sophie's face lit up. 'Thats great I've already got an idea for that song' she said excitedly 'wait I thought you didn't know who we were?' Zayn asked. That's true she didn't know who we were yesterday or today for that matter. 'Well I didn't know who you guys were but I do know of your songs' she repiled back, made sense. 'Alright how bout I go through the routine and you guys can tell me if you think you can do it or not, and if you can't then I just can try again' she suggested. We all nodded.

'Hey wait before we start what's your last name Sophie?' Asked Harry. Ha I guess it was funny that we didn't even know her last name yet we were in her house, in her dance studio waiting for her to show us a dance to our songs. 'Right, I guess you guys don't know, it's Halloran, Sophie Halloran' at those words I swear my heart stopped. No way, nope it couldn't be could it? 'Sorry did you say Halloran?' I asked. 'Yep, why?' All the boys were looking at me, knowing what I was talking about. 'Its just i knew a girl named Sophie Halloran, she used to be my best friend' at my words, a guilt expression appeared on Sophie's face. 'Im sorry, I don't remember you' she looked upset at her words. I was confused, was she just saying that? No she's been fine towards me the whole time, could it be that she literally doesn't remember me. How is that possible though?

'Anyway how bout you show us the routine' said Liam, trying to ease the awkwardness in the room. Sophie's face brightened up at the thought. 'Ok then' she ran over to a stereo and searched through her iPod looking for the song. 'You alright mate?' Whispered Zayn to me, 'yeah I just can't believe she doesn't remember me' I said back, Zayn shrugged 'maybe she's got a reason you never know' I thought about it, there was a bunch of reasons why she couldn't remember me and I knew in my heart that she literally didn't remember me, she wasn't just making it up. But still I hoped somehow she would remember me

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