Chapter 4: Gone Shopping But Got New Friends Instead?

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~Chapter 4: Gone Shopping But Got New Friends Instead?~

"Ok guys, first off, those 2 new acrobatic recruits that arrived yesterday, they complained that the ribbons they are using as being Flying Fish's trainees are being dyed with disgusting things by the trainees of Daggers, so they requested we get new ones for them but this time also something to lock them in with so only they can get, which will cost a bit, what do you guys think?" Champ looked up from the list he had.

"Well, first of all, try to talk in sentences, I can literally see all the commas while you were talking!" Whipps snickered as Insanity pointed that out quietly.

Champ mumbled something that sounded weirdly like "Language Arts fanatic", it must've been true since Insanity shot her most murderous look at him. "Hey, guys, calm down, we're just here to get supples for our..........second family so spending a bit extra isn't painful for that." Insanity sighed and quitly muttered, "Talk in sentences, how hard is that? I can see his dots now too." They gave each other death glares.

They entered a mall and immediately started to scout around, but they were held up pretty soon by something called "Annual Year-Round Mall Anniversary". Everywhere they looked, they only saw some teens and a huge bunch of children, they thought they saw an adult here or there, but it was just a really tall teen. 

"What in Jokster's undergarments is going on here?" Daggers had to grab a person in a (they supposed) mascot star costume and bit down, hard, on one of the points, as Terror exclaimed that out loud.

Jokster looked a little red in the face, nervously tugging at his pants for a moment before Insanity slapped his hand away from there. "I believe it is Star Starry Mall's Annual Anniversary," Horror recited, reading a banner hung above their head. 

Champ and Whipps looked up at the other banners hung around them, "That's odd, why does t only say 'Annual Anniversary' and not saying like it is the 5th or 6th or something?" The both of them looked down at Flying Fish who had pointed that out.  

"Hey, you're right little sis, what's going on?" Whipps suddenly and nearly judo-flipped a teen who came over to greet them. 

"WHOA!" The guy bended back-wards to a perfect ninety-degree angle as her hand passed over him, hand curled in a vice-like grip position.

She blinked for a moment before grabbing his hand this time and helping him out of his position, "Sorry! It's a habit!" The guy looked at her with wide eyes as she helped him up.

"Naw, it's ok! In fact, it's an honor to be nearly beaten up by a beautiful young woman as you," he winked at her as Whipps blushed furiously.

The guy had sandy blonde hair and stormy dark blue eyes, his skin had a good tone, as if he used to be an albino that decided to stay out in the sun too long and be natural about it. He wore a blue t-shirt with the words "Star Starry Mall's Annual Year-Round Anniversary" in large, white block-like letters. He wore shorts and old sneakers, but he seemed to be an easy-going guy.

Shaking Whipps's hand before letting go of it, he said, "M' name's Lucas, but you can call me Joker, and I'm just a volunteer here in hopes of raising money for my father and my family." He had a twinkle dancing around in both his eyes. 

At his name though, Jokster glared a little at the guy, he suddenly didn't seem to like him so much anymore. "Nice to meet you LUCAS, MY name is Jokster, this girl here is Insanity, my sister, and that is Champ, Whipps, Flying Fish, Daggers, Terror, Horror, Tigress and Axes." Everyone else jumped, suddenly remembering Axes and Tigress was with them the entire time.

"Holy tornadoes you two, you guys were so quiet we actually forgot about you!" Champ gave a nervous chuckle, but Lucas wasn't really interested, he was rather interested in their names. 

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