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I sat there for a second reading and looked up and yelled again "Jarvis damnit!"

"Yes Miss Stark?" Is it possible for him to sound irritated? I sighed "When will Tony be home?"

"After one a.m Miss Stark."

"Thanks Jarvis!"

Okay, Thors took loki somewhere, they have not been back and I am giving Jarvis hell which is something Tony tells me not to do, he already banned me from even talking to Jarvis... Nightlighted son of a bitch Tony.

I sighed as I put down my book and walked down the stairs of the tower, and smirked when I went in my room, I put my hand so it would scan it and the door opened, I walked inside and the door shut behind me.

I sat my rolling chair in front of the canvas and started drawing the portrait as I looked at the pictures I had sitting on the stool that held my paints.

I've been working on this for awhile, it's something to celebrate their anniversary of becoming The Avengers, since Loki tried to take over New York and the world..

I started drawing Loki off to the side with his arms crossed as Thor had a arm around him, Tony was smirking as he stood tall, Hulk was in the back ground but I painted have of his face to be Bruce, Natasha and Clint we're back to back Clint with his bow and Natasha with her gun.

Cap was holding his shells to his chest with his mask on and Fury stood in front of them all with his arms behind his back, I just needed to pictures to get their looks right.

It was almost finished I just needed to paint it all in.

As I started to paint in Hulk Jarvis voice echoed through the room scaring me "Miss Stark, Lyrica is at your door should I open it and let her in?"

"Sure thing" I said, and it opened Lyrica is the only one who knows of this drawing. The door opened and she came in, she frowned when she saw me painting.

"Isn't someone supposed to be watching you?"

I shook my head and blew my bangs from my face "Thor took Loki off after I made Thor remember Freddy Kruger."

She smiled and sat in a chair off to the side "When are giving it to them?"

"Tomorrow during Tony's little party.. I think I should have drawn Hulk a little bit bigger."

"I think Doctor Banner will love it."

I smiled "I hope they all do."

"Why don't you add yourself in?"

I laughed "I wasn't a Avenger then, Lyric, Tony made me hide on the ship remember? I was told not to move or be alien food then Fury finally told me I was okay to come out" I said.

She smiled "I don't think they would care."

"I do. Hulk busted me in the mouth and laugh the other day remember?" She laughed at me.

"Hey, doctor Banner felt real bad."

"Tony laughed! Thor and Fury as well! The only worried ones we're Captain, Bruce, Clint and Natasha!" I shouted, she laughed so hard she fell out of her seat.

I flung paint at her "Very funny."

"Well, hey Loki didn't laugh.. He even helped drag you out of Tony's car that was on fire" she said, I rolled my eyes.

"And yet I was left here alone for a hour, thank you so much Thor I could of died" I said sarcastically making her crack a grin.

"Tony is home, Miss Stark, along with Mr Barton and Mr Rogers, they are outside your door as we speak."

My eyes widened "Thanks for the heads up Jarvis!" I yelled sarcastically, I stood up and quickly covered the almost colored in picture with a sheet, then walked out of the room with Lyri.

I smiled when I saw Tony who tried to get in the room ,the door slammed shut he sighed "Never going to reveal what you have in there are you?" He asked, I shook my head and walked up stairs.

Lizzie Stark {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now