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after Frigga was called to the Thronw room I walked back to my room and went in, I stopped when I saw two things laying on the bed. A dress and a robe.

The dress was purple with beautiful gold designs on the side of the skirt part, the roibe was the blue I had seen, I grinned big and I locked the door so I could try on the dress. It fit perfectly, I stood there looking in the mirror in my room at myself.

I smiled as I threw the robe on and ran to find Frigga, I ran into a maid and asked her where the Queen was, she told me the library.

I walked there and went in, Frigga looked up and smiled when she saw me "Lizzie, I see you found your dress."

"Queen Frigga, your all too kind! I love it! Why did you have these made?" I asked.

She smiled and came over as she hugged me "I wanted to do something for you since I heard your story yesterday about how your mother treated you" she said.

I smiled and closed my eyes as a tear went down my face I hugged her and said "Thank you. So, so, so much Queen Frigga."

"Your welcome. I was happy to male the robe and that dress for such a sweet young lady" she said and I pulled back wide eyed "You made them?"

"Mother makes all of our clothes" I looked over Frigga's shoulder and saw Loki walk around a corner of a book shelf and he was reading one before looking up at us and he smiled "She does a excellent job as well."

She sighed and smiled at her son "I do my best, Loki. Thanks for helping me with getting the book off the top shelf, my son. And Lizzie, I shall see you tomorrow. Goodnight child" she said and gave me a hug before leaving.

I turned to Loki he was staring at me, I smiled as I shivered and wrapped the robe around me I said "I wish my mother would have been like Frigga, she seems like she is a great mom."

"She's the best" he said as he laid a book on a table beside a chair in the room, he looked at me "Do you like to read?"

"Sometimes. But, I prefer history and legends."

He smiled "How about Asgardian history? Follow me" he said and walked down a aisle of books, I followed him and crossed my arms.

He stopped at the end of a aisle where a lot of books were, he scanned them before pulling one down "This is about Thor's grandfather, and some of Odin" he told me as he handed it to me, I smiled as I held the book and looked at him.

"This may be a uh, touchy subject, Loki... But are there any on.. Frost giants?" I whispered the word and he stiffened but went ahead and looked for a certain book, he grabbed one and handed it to me, I smiled as I held the books.

"Thank you."

He looked down at me "Welcome, but why do you wonder about Frost Giants?"

I gulped and shrugged "I'm just curious. Im in a whole diffrent place from my home and i dont know what to expect" i admitted.

He smiled at me before looking sad "Look, I -I am sorry."

"For what? Loki you have done nothing wrong.. Well to me" I said, he cracked a grin and grabbed my books.

"I know but-can I carry these for you?"

I sighed as he walked down the aisle back to the main part and I followed, as he set down the books and went grab his own, I grabbed his arm, he looked at me.

"You know what?" I said, telling him to finish the sentence he had started but changed the conversation. He sighed and set the book back down before looking at me.

"I know I haven't.. Talked to you much or even looked your way, and I am sorry for dragging you away from Heimdall when he was talking to you, but I know Odin gets mad if someone doesn't come to him when he asks for them.

"And I kind of.. Was wondering if you would like to -how you mortals put it- be my date for the ball tomorrow" he said, I just looked at him before crossing my arms.

"On one condition. I would like to explore some of Asgard and I want you to tell me some history of it" I said.

He grinned and grabbed my books plus his "Be a honor. But, may I escort you to your chambers?" He asked i nodded and we walked out of the library.

We talked on the way to my room and I let him in to set my books down on the table beside the fireplace and small couch.

I smiled as Loki stood in front of me "Thank you" I said, he nodded and looked at the door before looking at me "No problem, I had nothing to do anyway" he said.

He kissed my cheek and I felt something like when I first walked into Fury's office when I was sixteen-my nerves. I'm being nervous around him, ugh.

He smiled as he walked to the door and begun to shut it "Goodnight Lizzie."

I gulped "Night Loki" I whispered as he shut the doors, I sighed as I sat on the bed "What is happening? Am I falling for Loki? Tony will kill me!" I harshly whispered to myself.

Lizzie Stark {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now