A/n: This is the third book for 'The Alpha's Sister' it is taking place during Breaking Dawn, I will be reading it as I write starting from Chapter three. So please cut me some slack with it :)
*Four months and a half ago*
I carefully made my way to the living room when someone knocked at the door, I still had a cast on my leg and arm from the battle. Its taking longer for my bones to heal then it should, But hopefully it would be better soon. I opened the door to see a tall man standing their, He seemed to be about the same height as Sam "Is this the Uley residence?" The man asked in a deep voice, It sounds familiar.
I studied the man for a moment for leaning on the door frame for more support "Yes,What do you want?" I asked taking the weight off my foot, It still hurt, But not even close to how much it did the day I got it. So I am thankful for that.
"Where is Sam Uley?" The man asked, Half ignoring my questioned. I thought for a moment, Processing his voice more, It just sounds to familiar. I looked at his face, Again it seemed so familiar, But I couldn't place a finger on it. A sudden wave of realization hit me, It couldn't be.
*Flash back*
I looked up nervously "What if he doesn't like me?" I asked, My black hair was wet and curled at the tips. I looked at the door again, Waiting. It was going to be the first time I met him, The first time I saw him. I couldn't wait to meet him, But I am also nervous at the same time.
"Sweetie, He will love you" Promised my mother, I looked up at her again, I looked a lot like my mom.She said I even acted like she did before she got married, But I hope that doesn't change like she did. I like the way I am, I like pulling pranks on the neighbor boy.
The door suddenly opened, A very tall man walk through it. I took a small step back "Allison, Who is this?" The man asked looking down at me, His eyes and face were unkind. But I didn't take a step away from him, Instead I just stared at him.
"Joshua, This is your Daughter. Mikayla." My mom said, Putting a hand on my back and gave me a small push towards him. This was my dad? But whenever I pictured my dad, He always had a kind smile and was loving. This man doesn't seem like any of those.
He looked down at me again, His face was still cold "You are a disappointment" He hissed, I flinched back slightly "I never wanted a Daughter NEVER" He added in a louder voice, He was getting closer to me, Tears started to form in my eyes "At least I have one son" He mumbled slightly.
"Joshua! She is your five year old daughter DON'T talk to her like that" My mom scolded, I stood there looking up at him. Tears still in my eyes, I am a disappointment? He didn't want me? Is there something wrong with me? I bit my lip to keep the tears in my eyes, He wasn't going to know he hurt me, No. Its a weakness
"It is not my fault she is worthless Allison, YOU know only men carry the gene" He shouted at my mom, I quickly turned away from them, And ran. Ran upstairs as the tears started falling down my face, I ran in my room and quickly hid under my covers. He doesn't want me, I am worthless in his eyes. Am I worthless in every ones eyes?
*End of flash back*
I shook my head from realization "You are not welcome here" I said coldly, I just couldn't believe it. Am I dreaming or something? How did he know where Sam lived? I rather this be a dream than this be real, No if this was a dream it would be a nightmare.
"And who the hell are you to decide whether or not I am welcome here? I am sure I asked for Sam, Not some little brat" He snapped, I made a fist with my good hand to keep from shaking. I cant believe he called me a brat, I mean come on!
I narrowed my eyes "No one important, But you know. The disappointment, The daughter you never wanted. You know, Worthless child" I said coldly, I will not let him waltz in and do this to me again. I know he is my father but just no.
I glanced back as I heard Sam enter the room "Mikayla who is it?" Sam asked, And walked over to me "And you shouldn't of gotten the door" He frowned noticing how I was leaning on the door frame, He looked at our dad then back at me,As if he was asking who it was.
"Sam." I began looking from him to our dad "This asshole is our father, Who decided he can come up here can call a brat. And who left us, He just a plain ass" I said simply, Anger spread across our dad's face, And before I had time to react. He lifted his hand and struck me across the face, I quickly lifted my good hand to touch it. There was so much force behind it, It surprised me and it hurt.
Sam starting trembling, I moved close to the door frame as I could, Just in case he was going to phase "Get the hell off our land" Sam growled,And when our dad didn't move. Sam punched him in the face "And don't you dare ever touching her again" He growled.
Our dad didn't even touch his nose when Sam punched him, Not even when it started to bleed slightly. He lifted his hand again to return the punch, Sam didn't even seem bothered by the fact. Right now he was just trying not to phase "If you touch my brother I don't care if I still have broken bones I will phase and tear the living shit out of you" I snapped, Something about him just screamed he was a wolf too. Or was at one point.
Sam looked at me, Still trying to calm down "Mikayla, Go to your room. I will take care of this." He said, In a half orderly voice and a half more protective voice. I love Sam, Even though he can be too protective sometimes, He still is a awesome brother.
"Okay" I said then looked at our dad "And by the way" I said, leaning away from the door frame and looked him right in the eye "Because of you, I have trust problems. Because of you, It hurts me way more when people break promises. So thanks a lot asshole" I snapped, And walked to my room as carefully as I did before. And shut the door behind me.
As I went to grab my phone off my dresser, A cream envelope that sat on my bed caught my eye. I walked over and slowly picked it up, I glanced the open window. I knew it wasn't here before, But I would of thought I would of heard someone come in my room. I tore the envelope open and began reading the letter.
Dear Mikayla.
It is hard for me me to write this, But I have to, I cant say it to your face.
I am leaving, And I don't know when or if I will be back. I just stand being here knowing she chose him, That she is going to marry him out of all people she should marry.
This is nothing against you or anything, Because I love you so much. Again I just cant be here anymore, Just don't bother taking the time to look for me.
If I do come back, All I wish for is for you to forgive me. As you are my everything, And I cant imagine or even deal with you hating me forever. But it is mostly that I will be gone forever, Thanks for all the love you have given me.
Sincerely, Jacob.
I kept reading the letter over and over again, I fell back on to the bed with my hand over my mouth. If there weren't smudges on the paper already, They will be now "Sam" I yelled or choked out, The tears were falling onto paper as my body shook.
Sam opened the door and came running in "What's the matter?" He asked, I handed the letter to him with a shaky hand. He took it, And and the paper. His expression turned from worried, To angry with a hint of pity. Jacob was gone, And he said he was most likely not coming back.

Wolves Before Dawn
Fanfiction(Sequel to howl for the eclipse)Its been almost five months since the battle and Mikayla has completely recovered from her injuries, And Jacob is gone, Which left Mikayla confused and hurt. And with the death of Jess still lingering over her, For...