(A/n: I am throwing a new girl in, I havent decided if anyone is going to imprint on her yet)
*current time*
I walked into the school, With my backpack slung lazily on my shoulder. Junior year, Some one kill me now "Come one Freshie, Don't want you to be late on your first day" I teased as I looked over my should, And for the first time in a long time, I smiled.
"Freshie? I thought you of all people Mikayla could come up with a better nickname" Seth laughed and hurried to my side, For some reason, I have taken the role as Seth's idol. Its cute and annoying at the same time "I am glad you are smiling again." Seth said as he looked at the smile that was still on my face.
"It still hurts you know?" I said and walked over to my locker, With Seth still following me and put most of my books away " I have to get to class, Good luck with your first day Seth" I said giving him another smile, Though it was not as big and happy as the first.
"Wait." Seth said just as I went to turn around, I looked back at him "Bella is getting married tomorrow, Come with me and Billy. It will be fun" He asked giving me a wide smile "Please" He added giving me the puppy dog face, I laughed and shook my head slightly.
"You been hanging around Quil to much" I said, Commenting on his puppy dog face "Well, I got invited anyway which is really weird. But since you asked, Fine." I added with a small sigh "Now, I have to get to class, So do you." I said giving him a quick hug and went off to my class.
Sometimes, Its like I am his sister instead of Leah not that I minded. I walked in the class room to see Paul sitting on my desk, I sighed and walked over "You know, Chairs are for sitting, Desks are for putting paper on so you can write right?" I asked raising a brow at him.
Paul got up and smirked at me "I see someone is starting to feel better" He said, I rolled my eyes. There are times where I wish Paul would just find his imprint already and get over it, But then there are times where I actually love being around him..
" I guess you could say that" I mumbled and took my seat, I glanced up waiting for Paul to leave "Is there something you need Paul?" I asked raising a brow at him, I know I haven't really been myself lately, But its not like I haven't seen him at all.
Paul leaned in towards me, And I quickly leaned back and nearly fell out of my chair "One of these days Mikayla, You will realize that you want me" Paul whispered as he placed a hand on my desk, I stared at him. In all the time I have known him, He hasn't said anything like that to me.
"Yeah, And one of these days I will be a mutant crime fighting taco, Lets see which one of those happens first" I said and rolled my eyes, I shoved him away with one hand "Go take a seat before I make you" I added in a serious but none threatening voice.
Paul took a seat, I looked at the door just as a unfamiliar girl walked in. I glanced Paul from the corner of my eye, Damn. No change in expression, I looked back at the new girl. She took the only empty seat that was next to me, It was Jacob's "New here huh?" I asked, The new girl looked at me quickly.
" Yeah, But how do you know? Its the first day here" She asked, I have a good feeling me and her will be good friends. I don't know if it's the nose ring or the rocker hair cut, Or both. I went through one of those times as well, But now I cant get any piercings.
"I was here last year, I didn't see you here" I shrugged, So if Paul didn't imprint on her. Maybe Seth will, Even though he is only 15 "But don't worry, I am not one of those popular chicks who will bite your head off if you look like that. I will only bite your head off if you do something to piss me off, Or get on the wrong side of me" I warned casually, Well, I would only bite her head off if she was leech.
Paul leaned over to us "Don't believe her, She will bite your head off anyway" He said, Smirking. I rolled my eyes and slapped him quickly "See? Evil" He added before leaning back into his chair, This boy. I swear one of these days.
"Oh, So now I am evil?" I asked raising a brow "Make up your damn mind" I added and shook my head, I looked back at the new girl "I am Mikayla by the way, Don't call me Kayla though." I said putting my hand out, The teacher wont care since its the first day.
"Alexandria, But call me Alex. I don't think Alexandria really fits me" Alex said "And, Do you and that guy hate each other or something? You know the guy who called you evil?" Alex asked curiously, Glancing back briefly at Paul.
"That's Paul, Its kind of a love hate relationship. Sometimes I want to strangle him, Like today. And sometimes, He is really sweet. But we are not together, So you can take him off my hands if you want" I said shrugging, Then I felt someone slap the back of my head. I looked back at Paul and glared at him.
"I will pass on that" Alex said then glance at Paul then back at me "I think he likes you, He is looking at you. And when he called you evil and when he smack you on the back of the head reminds me of what little boys to when they are in like kindergarten and likes girls" She added, I couldn't help but grin at the fact she pretty much called Paul a little boy.
"I already knew that, Which is even more reason for you to take him off my hands" I sighed "Hey, Let me know if any of the guys here catch your eye, I know most of the guys here and five of them really well. I could tell you if they are single or not and stuff like that" I said with a slight smile, For some reason today so far has actually been nice.
"That would be great" Alex said returning the smile with a wider one "Who do you have your eye on here? I hate people who steal other people's boyfriends." She added frowning slightly, Alex seems a lot like me so far, Kind of cool and weird.
The smile faded from my face "You wont have to worry about that, I guess you can call him my ex boyfriend. Left almost five months ago, Leaving only a letter on my bed" I said as my voice suddenly lost its happy tone, The memories still haunted me each and every day.
"That doesn't sound like a very good boyfriend, Just some time wasted. And he is obviously not man enough if he couldn't even say it to your face." Alex said with a iced edge to her voice "I know from similar experience, My ex broke up with through text message." She added under her breath.
I stared at the board, Motionless "Its not like that" I said quietly and stood up quickly and shook my head " None of you will ever understand what him leaving did to me" I said still shaking my head, I quickly walked out of the room leaving everyone just staring at the door.
I walked in the hall until I got to my locker and sat down and hit the back of my head against it, It has been getting harder and harder to go on with him gone. And to pretend that I am starting to feel okay, When everything inside of me is still hurting. What hurts the most is he knew how I felt about him, And having him walk away like that?
I had thought we were so close, I had so much to say to him. That now I will never get the chance to tell him, Even if I did. I don't think I could tell him, Because if he did come back, How do I know he wont just leave again? I cant even phase anymore, Because he stays in wolf form, And every time I phase I hear his voice and have to phase back before I can break down and let him know..
Let him know, That something happened after he left. Something that I have been hiding from everyone, A secret that not a single person besides me of course knows. And knowing he will never know only makes it harder on me.

Wolves Before Dawn
Fanfiction(Sequel to howl for the eclipse)Its been almost five months since the battle and Mikayla has completely recovered from her injuries, And Jacob is gone, Which left Mikayla confused and hurt. And with the death of Jess still lingering over her, For...