Chapter seven- Questions

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My arm was throbbing, Carlisle didn't get back until the next day,  and when he try to fix my arm, Jasper had to be in the room. Because, Emmett was in there pissing me off  so I wouldn't think about the fact my arm was getting snapped once again.

I barely had time to react as my phone began ringing and Emmett snatched it "Give me my phone Emmett" I demanded which only made him stick his tongue out childishly at me, I rolled my eyes and tried to grab it from him, Emmett stood up and grin at me.

"It's your pup" Emmett commented "I wanna talk to him" he added, before I could say anything, Emmett had the phone by his ear and mouth. Oh god, this is going to end terribly, Jacob doesn't even know I am here and he doesn't even like the Cullens

I buried my face in my hands and shook my head, I don't even want to know what Jacob is saying to Emmett right now. Though, the look on Jacob's face probably would of been funny to see when he did find out where I am, but then again it would only be trouble.

I looked up from my hands, Edward and Bella were now in the house, this surprised me. But, it only meant this day was going to get more and more interesting. Edward did not look to thrilled, I wouldn't really be either if there was a sort of enemy in the house and I had to come back early.

Emmett's eyes flickered to Edward and Bella and wide grin stretched across his face "You knocked her up!?" He asked, in a loud voice. I looked at Bella and Edward as well,  it actually surprised me, I didn't even think vampires could get humans pregnant.

I stood up quickly "This my que to leave, I will let you guys handle it out. Tell Carlisle I said thanks again" I commented and walked over to Emmett, and raised a brow at him and held my hand out "Emmett, my phone" I said still staring at him.

Emmett ended the call and dropped my phone into my hand, I glared at him "Your pup sounds mad, and do you really have to leave? We did nothing fun yet" Emmett said, I rolled my eyes at him.  Sometimes I wonder if Emmett is really old as he says he is, hes like a big kid.

"Yes I do" I replied "Because not everything is perfect and happy and mary like they are in Emmett land" I added and walked out of the house just as Emmett began to laugh, I was almost afraid to leave because knowing how Emmett is with cars, I was afraid he did something to mine.

Thankfully, nothing was different with my car, and the drive to La Push was uneventful, unless. You count rain as an event, I  really don't, its so common here its not even funny. Not that Port Angeles is any different because it is most definitely not.

I was meeting Jacob on the beach, and it was obvious he was pissed "Why the hell did you tell him?" Jacob questioned, I raised a brow at him, clearly confused "Emmett said 'you knocked her up' Why did you tell him!?" He asked again.

I rolled my eyes "Chill out" I snapped " I didn't tell him a thing, I didn't even tell Leah, so why the hell would I tell a bloodsucker? He was talking to Edward and Bella." I added, the look on Jacob's face was different, it was a mixture of anger and relief at the same time "Bella is pregnant" I explained.

"Damn it!" Jacob shouted, he was also now shaking, I knew why. Sam's pack was going want to kill her,  but I actually wont let them. Thought, she did make me lose Jacob several times, and she is pregnant with a vampire's baby, I couldn't take her or the baby away from Edward.

"Jacob." I began with a sigh " I get that you are upset, I know you are not quite over Bella, I get that. And I also get that once Sam finds out, he is going to order the pack to kill Bella and the baby. Join me and Seth, I am going to try and get Leah to join. We will protect her, even though Sam is my brother." I continued.

"I was going to join you anyway" Jacob admitted, he was calmer now that I said that "And, we really want to do that, but we can say it was my idea, I don't want to ruin yours and Sam's relationship over this" He added, I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"He can get over it" I shrugged and looked into Jacob's eyes "You know, this will be risky, there will be lots of fighting. Not that I don't love fighting, because you know I do. But, I am worried of losing some people as in through death" I admitted softly, I am pretty sure he knew who and what I meant by that.

"I know" Jacob sighed, he pulled me into his arms and gave me a quick kiss " We have to do this, I cant lose her either, She is one of my best friends." He said, he released me from his hug and looked at me "But, I cant lose you more, I love you to much" He mumbled.

I nodded and never took my eyes off of him "That is why I am willing to take the risk, over the time you were gone, I gone to stand her. And that she makes you happy, and I will do it since she does, even if it does make me unhappy" I mentioned.

A guilty look formed on Jacob's face, I reached up and placed my hand on his face and gave him a reassuring smile "Why were you at the Cullen's anyway?" He asked and put his hand on mine, I couldn't help but smile bigger, sometimes he just makes me so happy.

"Paul broke my arm while we were fighting, so I went to the Cullen house so Carlisle could look at it, and he was out hunting so  Emmett begged me to stay the night. I got some sleep but not a lot, I was afraid Emmett would do something to me while I was sleeping." I explained, only briefly realizing how dirty that sounded.

"Damn it Paul" Jacob hissed under his breath, but all the anger seemed to leave him "I was calling you anyway to ask you here anyway, even before I knew you were at the leech house." He suddenly said, he seemed not to have a single ounce of anger in hum anymore.

"Seth said I made  Paul bleed before I left, its probably a bad thing that I think that's good that I did" I shrugged, I honestly don't care if I made him bleed, he has been on my nerves on and off since I first moved here "And why were you going to ask to meet me here?" I questioned.

"One thing was about the whole pack thing, and how I was going to join you" Jacob began, his voice was calm "And there is another thing, that we need to discuss, it is important, and I don't know how you are going to take it" He continued, panic struck me.

"Jacob, are you going to break up with me?" I choked out, I don't know why my mind and my heart suddenly thought that, I don't know if its just some stupid fear that he will. Or in a way I am expecting him to, all because he still feels for Bella.

Jacob laughed "No" He said still laughing, he took my hand " I love you more than anything, I could never ever lose you." He began " To me, you are perfect, I love every single thing about you. The way you roll your eyes, the way your face lights up when you smile,  the way you don't care what people say about you" He continued " You own my whole heart, it will always be you, you and only you. You are the reason I still breath, you are the reason I am alive" He continued.

Tears were now forming in my eyes "I talked to Sam and your mom" Jacob commented "Mikayla, if you haven't got it yet, what I am trying to say is.  I want to spend forever with you,  I don't want there to be a day that  you aren't mine. I want it to be your eyes I look into everyday when I wake up" He continued, I swear my heart stopped when I saw what he did next, he knelt to the ground "Mikayla Uley, will you marry me?"

A/n: I was going to post this in the morning, but I just couldnt wait, please tell me I wasnt the only one who cried XD And, were any of you suprised? This is not the end just so you know, but I will say, the end is pretty close.

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