Chapter three- A wedding

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I sighed impatiently as I waited for Seth, We were heading over to the wedding " I don't think I will ever see you this girly looking again" Leah laughed as she looked at me, I rolled my eyes. But she was right, She most likely wont ever.

"Blame Seth for that, He wanted me to dress up because as he puts it 'Its a wedding after all' " I sighed and shifted my weight uncomfortably,  It was just a short time before we were going to the wedding, The wedding of Isabella Swan. The girl who a few short months ago I hated, I grown to deal with her.

"You are to easy with Seth, He just needs to give you his puppy dog face and he has you" Leah said clearly amused "But, Don't worry you look beautiful Mikayla. Even if this is the last time I will see you in a dress" Leah added with a small grin.

I was wearing a sapphire blue dress that fell just above my knees, It had one sleeve that was made of see through fabric. A pair of black and gold heels and black stockings, A bracelet and necklace Emily decided I have to have even with my protests. And a shade of light pink lipstick, With dark purple eye shadow.  I had also asked Emily to do my hair, Which thrilled her.  It was now down in to a bun with two curled strains of hair one on each side of my face handing lose.

I felt like a walking Barbie doll, Minus the blonde hair and blue eyes. I looked over as Seth entered the room, And grinned "I am actually taller than you for once,  Its sad that you are 15 and the same height as me" I teased  and then looked at Sue who was standing there watching us "Sue, You know you don't have to go, I can drive. I wasn't going to let Seth drive anyway" I said, Sue is the mother of Leah and Seth. she was much like one to me as well.

Sue seemed to hesitate "Are you sure Mikayla?" Sue asked, With a hint of worry to her voice, Naturally. I mean who would want their son at a house with vampires? Especially if your son is a wolf " I mean I know Seth might listen to you more then he would listen to me, But..." Sue continued  and her voice trailed off at the end.

Seth appeared by my side, He was wearing his tux. Which made him look older then he already did " You know I wont let anything happen to Seth, He is a good kid." I said  and messed up Seth's hair and stuck my tongue out at him "Besides, He is like a little brother to me. I will more than  willingly  beat someone up if they even try to hurt him" I promised with a wide smile.

Seth made a face at me and fixed his hair again, Which made Leah snort "Okay" Sue said, She seemed to be more relaxed to know the fact she didn't have to go to the wedding "Have fun you two" She  added now smiling bright at us.

I nodded "Come on Seth,  We have to pick Billy up before we are late" I said, And started to head out the house with Seth walking happily by my side. I got into the driver seat of Jess' care that became mine, I shut my eyes for a minute taking in the familiar scent of Jess' favorite peppermint air freshener.

"You are surprisingly calm about this" Seth commented making me snap out of my thoughts, I started the car and carefully backed out into the drive way "I am glad you said you would come, I don't think my mom would of even came close to agreeing." He added, Still smiling.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye "So, You're using me." I teased then faked a hurt face " Seth, I am hurt you are doing this" I said with a fake hurt voice, He just grinned and laughed. Being around Seth makes me happier even with what has been going on.

I parked the car in front of the Black's house, And got out  almost falling on my face from the heels " I will come with you" Seth said cheerfully and got out as well, He followed me up to the door. And before I could knock he just opened the door.

"Excited are we Seth?" I asked shaking my head, I let a shaky breath out as I walked into the house. This was where Jacob had imprinted on me, When I went in with him knowing he was about to phase after the movies, It was nearly a year ago.

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