Chapter four- Things get worse before they get better, When do they get better?

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Warning: Jacob is a ass in this chapter,  Sorry if you want to kill him *Hides behind Paul*

I sat on a thing of drift wood, And stared at the water. After I dropped Billy and Seth off, I came straight here. I just needed to think, And phasing to think isnt the best idea " I was hoping you would be here" Jacob said, I glanced up at him and nodded.

"Here I am, In my still dressed up for the wedding glory" I said and rolled my eyes, I stood up and faced him. I was hoping he would come look for me, I just didnt think it would be this soon. I thought he would after serveral hours.

"If I had know you were going to be there, I would of asked Edward not to tell Bella I was there right way. So I could get at least one dance with you in" Jacob said and smiled at me, I gave him a small smile in return, I still didnt know how to react.

"You know, Its not to late. There is just no music" I said as my smile grew slightly bigger, Jacob quickly pulled out his phone. I raised a brow at him, He must of gotten it from the house. The light from the phone lite up his face making it even more clear, Suddendly some music startled playing. I tilted my head slightly at him.

Jacob put his hand out after setting his phone down and grinned at me "May I have this dance?" He asked still grinning, I couldnt help but laugh, But I took his hand smiling widely. He pulled me closer to him which only made me smile wider.

"Of course you can" I whispered, I rested my head on his chest, This seemed almost unreal, If it was a dream, I dont want to wake up " I have missed you so much" I whispered, Still keeping my head on his chest while we swayed side to side, I dont call this really dancing but I dont care anymore.

"I thought you were mad at me with the way you reacted at the wedding, You looked like you were going to pass out or throw up, Possibly both. Even Sam and Quil thought so." Jacob said kissed the top of my head gently.

"Because you surprised me, I thought you were never coming back. And you even said in your letter you most likely werent, So that added to the surprise" I mumbled and shut my eyes, Being here with him, Dancing on the beach. Is making this day so much better.

"You know I love you right?" Jacob asked changing the topic, I nodded not bothering to open my eyes or speak "Good" He mumbled, Trying to hold me closer. Though I dont think it was possible, Its kind of sweet that he even tried to.

"Oh, I  just died in your arms tonight. Must of been something you said" I  sung along softly,  I knew almost every word to this song.It used to be one of my favorites growing up, Only my mom knew that, Not even Jess know that, She never really liked it anyway.

"You know, This was probably a bad idea" Jacob said suddendly, I quickly looked up at him with a confused face "Because now I am not going to let you go, You are stuck with me" Jacob said grinning, I smacked him on the arm and frowned.

"You are such a jerk you know that?" I sighed and shook my head " I thought you were going to say coming back was a bad idea, And you were going to leave again" I admitted still looking up at him, I wouldnt let him leave me again.

Jacob laughed and smiled " But, I am your jerk" He said and leaned down and kissed me, This moment belonged in a movie, Not in  my life. This is to perfect to be in my life,  Sometimes I feel Jacob is too perfect to be in my life.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes " I love you Jacob" I whispered, It was time I told him "Can I talk to you about something?" I ask in a more serious voice, The sudden change in my voice made Jacob gain a worried look on his face.

"Whats wrong?" Jacob asked, Sounding worried. I took his hand and walked over to the  drift wood I was sitting on and sat bad down "Are you okay?" He asked and sat down next to me, I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, I cant believe I was about to tell him.

"Something happened after you left, That no one, Not even Sam knows about" I said, Turned to face him. My heart was racing faster, I felt like I was going to throw up more than I did at the wedding "And I dont know how you are going to take it " I added, Still holding his hand.

"What happened?" Jacob asked, His face was losing color and he looked worried. That makes two of us " You didnt date Paul did you?" He asked, With a small hint of jealousy and anger to his voice. I shook my head, That would never happen.

I shut my eyes "For a week after you left, I couldnt sleep. And after that I went to my mom's house in Port Angeles" I began, It suddendly got harder to breathe, And tears began to form in my eyes "And the second day I was there, I was  feeling ill but I connected it with you leaving" I continued with my eyes still shut "And after a week there" I paused and held back a sob " I found out I was pregnant" I said and opened my eyes to see his reaction, It was blank.

He stared at me, And stayed silent for a moment " I dont get it, You dont look pregnant. And it has not been along enough time for you to have it" Jacob said, His face was still confused. Tears started to spill from my eyes, I wiped my eyes with my arm, Leaving a black mark on it.

"Because of all the stress I was under" I began as more tears fell " I lost it" I choked out which only made the tears fall faster "And I have been so scared to tell you, That you might hate me because of it" I said softly, My body was shaking slightly. But nothing terrible.

Jacob pulled me into his arms "I could never hate you" He said and rubbed my back "Why didnt you tell me sooner?" He asked, Not letting me go from his arms. His touch made the shaking stop, But not the tears they kept coming.

"Tell you how? You were gone" I said looking at him "I couldnt just phase and let the whole damn pack know,  Sam would kill me. Paul would of hated both of us" I said shaking my head, Not mentioning how Quil would probably think its was cool.

"And if Paul hated you, Would you even of cared?  You said it yourself before that you cant stand him" Jacob said staring at me "And you still should of at least phased and told me we need to talk, I would of came back if I knew" He added.

I shook my head quickly "That is not the point Jacob, And yes I would care if he hated me. Because believe it or not, Paul has helped me through so much crap since you left and when you kissed Bella." I snapped crying harder.

"You know he is only doing that because he wants you to go out with him" Jacob said, Jealously was clear in his voice. I stood up and shook my head at him, I cant believe him. After what I had told him he decides it has to be about Paul? Like he doesnt even care?

"You dont fucking understand" I shouted,  I was now shaking harder "He was helping me, Keeping me from killing myself while you were off god knows where doing god knows what.  So instead of blaming him you should be thanking him that I am still alive." I added, Still shouting..

Jacob was now standing up "I have no reason to be thanking Paul, He has been trying to steal you from me" He snapped, I am surprised no one from the pack has come to see what was wrong, At least none of the ones on patrol.

"Stealing me from you?" I repeated and shook my head "Damn it Jacob, You havent even been here for him to steal me from." I growled, I hate fighting with him. I abousuletly hate it, Its just sometimes its hard not to fight with him when he acts like this.

"You were gone for a month, So dont blame this all on me" Jacob shouted, Why couldnt anyone come, To break it up.  I dont even care who come,I just want this to be over.  I want the fighting to stop, I am tired of all this fighting with me and Jacob and the leechs.

"There is a difference though" I said in a low voice" Because unlike you I called, And you knew very damn well where I was.  And how to the hell am I supposed to know if I actually ever had you? When all you seem to care about is Bella" I asked, My voice was no longer loud. But I was still shaking "I dont like whats happening to us" I whispered.

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