Note Cards

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A/N - this was a dare from a fellow fanfic writer... takes place after the series ended...

Tara jerked awake, her eyes popping wide open as a long forgotten memory returned to taunt her in her dreams.

Maybe it was just the fact that Sue had been considering leaving and they'd all spent a lot of time remembering things with her.

Or maybe it was because she was currently in a confused position when it came to one Special Agent Bobby Manning. Because she was certain that both of them had lied in the park. But what she did know is that Darcy had chosen not to have him come with and she had chosen not to go with Stanley when he took a position in Chicago.

And they hadn't been 100% comfortable alone in the same room since.

She sighed softly, rubbing her eyes with her hands as she shifted to peer at the clock, groaning when it wass only 3 am.

Maybe she should give more thought to that job offer that had come to her.

She had really never thought much about running cyber but that's what they were offering and deep down, she knew it was a good career move but at the same time, Jack had hand picked her for his team and the idea of leaving the team didn't really seem all that appealing.

Her mind puzzled over it for a while and she was surprised when her next thought came when the alarm went off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As was the normal thing lately, when she got to work, Lucy and Sue would be remembering things that had happened. It made sense when Sue was leaving but since she'd stayed... to Tara she thought it was time to let things go.

"Remember when Lucy quit...?" Sue asked, glancing at Tara.

Tara's head jolted up immediately, her eyes showing a moment of panic as the question seemed almost a direct companion to the dream that she'd had early that morning. "Uh, yeah..." She nodded quickly and disappeared again behind her computer.

"Oh yeah... I remember that..." Jack nodded as Bobby and D both agreed. "The signs..."

Lucy laughed. "That's right... the sign message... I've always been meaning to ask... who put them on?" She asked. "Surely you guys didn't pin them on each other."

They looked thoughtful for a moment. "No, Sue and Tara did it..." Jack finally said.

Tara turned red when Sue shook her head. "No... I made the note cards..." She said, motioning to Tara. "But Tara pinned them on."

"All of them?" Bobby asked, his ears turning slightly red as he realized what his reaction had been that day to the anonymous hands that were pinning a note card on his rear end. And he also remembered the extra movements that had kept him from being done as quickly as Jack and D had been.

Tara wanted to melt into a puddle under her desk as Sue nodded. Bobby's gaze shifted to hers and she turned pinker as his eyes narrowed and she just knew that he was remembering everything. "Yeah... all of them..." She mumbled before getting up from her desk and heading to the ladies room, face flaming as she left.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bobby was waiting for her as she exited the ladies room and he reached out and grabbed her wrist, hauling her into an empty conference room. "Why haven't you said anything?"

"You were dating Darcy... and then..." Tara shrugged, her cheeks still faintly stained pink with her earlier blush.

Bobby studied her for a moment and let go of her wrist. "You're right... I can understand that..." he said softly. Before he moved closer and pulled her to him, bending his head to meet hers, his lips slanting slightly to cover hers as he kissed her.

Tara whimpered slightly, struggling for a moment against him before relaxing, her arms wrapping around his neck as she kissed him back. Her eyes met his as he pulled away.

"I've been waiting far too long." He said softly. "If I would have known that was you...." he gently touched her face.

"Well now you know..."

"that's right... now I know..." Bobby smiled and kissed her gently again before putting his arm around her and leading her out of the room. "dinner tonight?" He asked.

"Sounds like a plan to me... do I need to make note cards?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at him innocently.

Bobby grinned and laughed as they went back in to finish out their day.


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