More Like Her PG 13

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A/N The song is 'More Like Her' by Miranda Lambert. Don't own it... :) Oh and if you've never seen the show, You might not understand but please, name's aside... look at it from the perspective of an ex girlfriend seeing the new girlfriend and realizing that maybe if she'd been 'more like her' then maybe they'd still be together. I think that's a relationship angle that everyone can somewhat understand.  

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She watched him with her, observed the way that he was so patient yet attentive to her in a way that he could never be with her.

In a way that she never could be dependant on him.

Oh Allie knew all right... she knew that it was hopeless to keep showing up at his door when he "needed" her. It was only after Sue had shown up and turned down an invitation for dinner that she confronted him about using her as a substitute for something... some dream... that he wasn't allowing himself to chase.

Sue had a soft and silent grace about her. Allie could see the strength within her and could only wonder just what it was that Sue had to keep her going in light of the way that Jack was toying with her.

Oh yes... toying with Sue.

Allie could see it... how he was allowing himself to get close but yet pulling back, shutting Sue out in order to protect her... protect their jobs? Allie supposed it made a bit of sense, and she ... well, plainly put, if she wasn't so in love with Jack still - one sided of course but still- then she wouldn't even be in the way.

"She's beautiful Jack... in a simple way, yes, but full of grace and beauty." She murmured in his ear as she hugged him good bye at the end of the night. "I should have been more like that..." She whispered, seeing in his eyes that he shared the opinion.

A soft good bye and Allie was free... fleeing Jack's apartment and the one sided love that she felt for him... the love that she'd felt for most of her life.

She should have been more like Sue... if only she knew just what it was that she needed to be like.

Next time around, she would be.

She's beautiful in her simple little way

She don't have too much to say when she gets mad

She understands she don't let go of anything

Even when the pain gets really bad

Guess I should've been more like that

Darcy sighed softly.

She had been off and on in her relationship with Bobby so it was really no surprise that he'd been having a hard time making a decision about going to LA with her. She'd put him in a bad position and he didn't even know that she'd probably... deep down... done it on purpose.

She'd seen it all along.

The way Tara Williams' face would light up when Bobby would throw some sort of compliment her way... the way it seemed that Tara strived for his praise. Darcy didn't see any need in trying to do things to please him.

He had come to her and made her see the good in things again. Her poor, poor bruised and beaten heart... it had ached so badly that she... well... she certainly had stopped with the whole seeing things from the human perspective in her writing before Bobby Manning swept her away in a whirlwind of emotion all driven by a pair of sparkling eyes behind a white Santa beard.

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