The Breakdown

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Crying in the night became a routine. I completely ignored virat's messages from last few days and decided to talk to my parents about this. It made completely sense to me talking to them or at least giving giving them a hint that I won't be continuing with this marriage. My heart broke when mummy's thought came to my mind. She was happy when when virat's slid that ring into my finger. I didn't even miss the small tear slid from corner of her eyes. She will be devastated when I'll tell the truth.

"Hey you good?" Suddenly my thoughts disturbed by the new guy at work, Eugene. I had no idea why this guy selected India to work at, I mean he is a new Yorker for God sakes. I politely smiled at him when I saw his brows rise.

"yeah I'm good." He nodded meekly not sure with my actions and sat besides me to discuss some work.

When I was finally done with my work I quickly slid inside my car with a determination.

That night I spoke to mummy, well actually I tried to indirectly tell her that I wasn't happy with this arranged marriage thing. But the reply I got was very unexpected.

"what are you saying asmita? You cannot think that way. What is it now huh? Virat is the best you can get." She snapped breathing harsh. She sat down on my bed and shook her head, "you are almost twenty seven, you cannot reject another guy now. Do you understand me?" My lips quivered as I tried to ignore my best not to mind that crawling on my skin. "I cannot take another humiliation from my relatives over your marriage. Kohli's had asked us to keep this private as it is and I'm trying to avoid all the guests calling asking me about you. I just can't okay, so get your head straight try not to mess the rishta this time." She stormed off banging the door close behind her.

I slumped down the floor and broke into soundless cries once again. Somewhere in the midnight the annoying ring tone of my phone woke me up, it was Virat again. I rejected his call and closed my eyes shut.

Mummy was right, I had wasted too much time to avoid the marriage bullet. But Virat was hell bent on breaking this engagement.

He loves Veronica . He always had. I wasn't stupid enough to see that he was always been hung up on her even though she broke his heart and ran away.


Another pathetic day office and constant concentration on the computer screen started to make me feel nauseated. So I shut the monitor off for a while and looked outside the window. I was always glad that I got the nice place to work at even thought it was a cubical but it had that private vibe. An introvert like me would know this. I sighed when I saw it was raining heavily, water had pooled on the road and it looked like that the rain wasn't going to stop just yet. Sighing I scribbled a few things I had to do down the week on a sticky note and pasted on the board across me. Everyone were already leaving for home, but I decided to stay back till the rain subsides.

But then I realized I didn't drive my car to work, it was my moped. My car was at servicing. "Fuck!" I cursed as I saw mummy was calling me.

My lips pursed and I picked it.

"Asmita, it raining heavily when are you leaving home? Have you seen outside? I told you to take papa's car but no you had to take that moped." She went on and on making me feel even smaller. Since our little fight she was always on edge.

"I'm sorry mummy. I'll take a cab." I told her in a small voice.

"Do you think you can get cab in this situation? Asmita use some brain." She had always called me pillu, like her baby. I hated when she called my name.

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now