The Fear

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Virat is confusing. That's what I thought the entire night when I felt his warmest lips on my skin.

My face was warm at that small touch and stomach filled with butterflies.

But then, it was all wrong. He wasn't the man I was suppose to be attracted to. He was someone else's. And that conformed the next morning when I heard Virat talking to his alleged girlfriend over the phone planning their date. There was a pang in my heart when I heard him giving her a nick name. That was a moment I thought, I've lost him long ago.

Who was I kidding, he wasn't mine in the first place.

I sighed and stayed in my room the entire time, drowning myself into my work. It felt better, at least work's a good distraction. After my not so eventful but successful day pretending to be alright with Virat in a villa, I survived. My stomach flipped multiple times when he appeared in my room once in a while to check up on me, asking if I needed anything.

If he only knew. . .

In the afternoon I was all ready in my white t-shirt and short dungaree for some shopping; I found Virat in the grand room talking on his phone as usual. Although the moment his eyes fell upon me, he stopped. He stopped talking and his parted lips left open for a while. I gave him a tight lipped smile and decided to walk pass him.

And just then his voice stopped me. "You going somewhere?"

I nodded, "yeah. I've heard of that amazing street fair just across the hotel and maybe I'll watch the sunset later too." I gestured him my camera, giving it a little shake in my hands.


I shrugged, "yeah. Ciao."

And I started to walk away. Until, "asmi wait." I hummed in askance.

"Will you be okay? I mean it's a different country —" I stopped him letting him know that I'll be just fine. He nodded hesitantly, "I would have joined you. But Veronica is coming over. In the evening, I guess." He informed and it just got worst for my heart.

"Yeah. I know." His brows rose at my response, "you don't talk that low." This time I didn't wait and left.

It was better that I won't him for a while; specially when she'll be here.


As the time passed, the beautiful street fair didn't lift my mood much. I called my friend Abhi and listened to his crazy stories back in NYC. Now that made me smile and after watching the most beautiful sunset and one successful but many failed attempts to capture the beauty; I was on my way back.

Taking sand path of the sea shore I walked towards the villa while sipping on some iced green coffee. I dumped the empty cup in the trash and when I was almost close to the gate of the villa, I saw virat standing there.

Somehow I smiled and took faster steps, I had bought him a Bennie. I couldn't help but get a black one for him as he looked so good with those. Keeping all tension aside me and virat were always friends, I had accepted that but our changing relationship tags made things complicated. I sighed at the thought and decided not to mess this friendship.

I walked and suddenly my steps halted when I saw someone hug him close from behind. Virat smiled and took of his shades turning towards the other person, my heart thumped crazily and broke when I saw who that was.


I didn't even realize that I was barely a few feet away from the couple. And just when I decided to turn back, virat looked over me. I could feel myself crumbling when I saw nothing in his eyes, I needed support. Physically and mentally. I bit on my lip trying not to sob over that heartbreaking sight. I've never had the idea why this man had the ability to make me go through all sorts of messed up emotions. And at that moment, there were overloaded.

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now