The Miss

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"You did it didn't you?" This was the billionth time rohit asked me the same question.

"How many times you are going to ask that man?" I asked back a little louder.

"I don't know." And I frowned. "'Coz I just can't believe you did it!" He said with a disbelief expression and I sighed.

"I mean the guy who scared like a girl with the word 'break up', he actually broke up with his girlfriend and announced it in front of media too. I mean, fucking unbelievable!" He declared by waving his hands in air showing how big deal it is. I shook my head and grinned at him.

"Great my buddy has blossomed!" He commented and I punched his bicep. He wheezed in pain and acted like a drama queen while rubbing the spot.

"How did she take it?" He asked out of the blue making me confuse.


"Veronica of course! As I kind of observed that you are not speaking to your fiancée" He replied.

"She was like cheetah on crack when I suggested the break up." I told him as I remembered her reaction.

Do you have that one friend who laughs so hard that their laugh  makes you laugh no matter what the joke was?

Well that was the thing when it came to Ro. He made me laugh because of his epic laughter.

"Oh my god!" He laughed again holding his stomach. Okay I get it he was overreacting now.

"Enough, ro!" I warned him still laughing slowly.

"Okay alright man, how you made her understand. You know?"

"Alright, gossip queen! Here it is, I did not want to talk to her anyhow she appeared in from my villa making a scene. So I reminded her own Drunken confession and asked jasper to escorted her out." I concluded and looked at ro, his eyes were already big.

"The damage control is done now, so call asmi" he nudged me. I shook my head.

"No! not yet." I replied.

"What, why? I'm sure she is waiting for you to call her." He tried to persuade and tempting me to call her. But I held my urge. I know she has called me the other day but I also wanted to keep my promise and only call her or see her only when I visit her in London.

We have to leave for India today." Ro asked and I nodded my head as my other teammates joined us for breakfast.

"Are you okay kohli?" Jaddu asked with a concerned voice and locked my phone and looked at them confusingly.

"Yeah! Why?"

"Umm, in the press conference. I mean your, Breakup." They all were thinking I am sulking over my breakup but in reality it was the exact opposite. I was doing my happy dance inside.

Ro snorted.

"Have you seen the last thirty seconds of the video?" Ro asked jaddu being very precise about the video. I narrowed my eyes at him secretly he saw it and shrugged.


"Yes actually, what was that all about?" Ajinkya joined the conversation.

Great! After all this I am so going to punch you Ro.

"Nothing guys." I let out a exasperated sigh indicating I am not willing to talk about it.

"Okay, we will not push. You should know we are here if you want to tell us." Ravinder said and jinkx nodded his head in agreement.

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now