Chapter 3

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7am our alarms all went off. I streched awake and sat there for what felt like forever falling in and out of sleep,swaying. We all dragged our tired bodys out of bed. We all silently got ready for college making our way down to the hall for breakfast.

"Morning girls" the head mistress said really loudly and way to happy for a early morning. I sat downtrying not to fall asleep in the toast. I felt a tap on my hand. I looked up to see Nathan nodding towards a note in his hand. I took it and read it. I smiled really wide. I think my day has just got way better. The note read 'you look beautiful in the morning-Nath x' I looke up at him and smiled wide. He gave me a wink and walked off to his lesson.

"I think Maddie has a lover" Emma giggled watching my face go red. I just smile and got up "Shut up Emma lets go to lessons" I got my backpack and started to walk towards my English class. I have always loved English. I love the writing and I feel really clever.

I got in the class and started to write. We were doing love stories. The irony. The lesson went really fast and it was suddenly lunch. 

Mrs Surrey walked in as normal but this time she was on the stage. "Girls and Boys of Eden. We shall we having the annual winter ball' she announced. I smiled wide. I have never been to a prom. Mrs Surrey finished her annoucements and we sat down for lunch. 

"Every term we have these balls. She thinks were in America sometime. The head boy and girl chose the theme and do litereally all the planning" Natalie said. "So do you girls have your outfits?" I asked. "No but tomorrow we all have frees so we should go and get our dresses" Billie said and I smiled widely. "I wonder who is going to ask me as there date" Emma said looking dreamly into the cornor of the room. I am so excited for this. 

I saw Darcy staring at me the whole of lunch. Everytime I laughed with Nathan she would go angry. Does she fancy Nathan? I want Nathan to asj me to the prom. Doesn't look like Darcy has the same idea though.

Three Whole Words and Eight Letters LateWhere stories live. Discover now